Has anyone ever told you that you're "too sensitive"?

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Do you experience strong feelings and reactions such as:

  • Tuning in to others' emotions?

  • Becoming easily overstimulated by bright lights or loud noises?

  • Feeling deeply moved by art, music, or movies?

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If this sounds like you, you might be a highly sensitive person (HSP). Discover 5 strengths that make you stand out!

1. You care deeply

Illustration of a girl holding a plant.

— Image by Storyset on Freepik

Highly sensitive people have high levels of empathy — the ability to connect with and put themselves in the shoes of others.

If you're an HSP, not only do you care about other people, but you're also affected by and care about causes that are important to you.

Perhaps you find yourself watching a TV commercial about rescued animals, and all of a sudden, you're tearing up. Then you want to do something about it and make things better!

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Put this strength into action:

  • Volunteer for a cause that's important to you.

  • Participate in (or lead) a charity drive.

  • Start a club devoted to your cause.

2. You pay attention to details

Two friends doing schoolwork together — Image by Storyset on Freepik

As a highly sensitive person, you pick up on small cues that most other people don't. You're able to absorb new information quickly, and you may notice things before others do.

For example, you may be able to identify risks quickly when asked to analyze a situation.

You may have a leg up on others in the workplace, too: employers report that highly sensitive people are typically among their most hard-working, valued employees.

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Put this strength into action:

3. You're creative

Person imagining — Image by Storyset on Freepik

Chances are, if you're a highly sensitive person, you have a rich imagination. It's likely you had imaginary friends as a child and you may often get lost in your own thoughts. You probably dream vividly, too. 😴

Creativity is a special quality that not everyone has! Expressing your creativity contributes to mental wellness, and it's a highly desirable skill in the business world.

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Put this strength into action:

  • When you're facing a problem or challenge, brainstorm solutions.

  • Explore creative pursuits such as music, art, writing, or cooking.

  • Don't be afraid to doodle and daydream: these creative outlets can help reduce stress and boost your brainpower!

4. You're a great friend

Two school friends hugging

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Not only are you quick to pick up on other people's moods, but you also seem to know intuitively how to respond (that's because of your brain's ability to sense small signs more easily than others, like Spidey-sense).

You're considerate and know just what to say and do when your friend is in need.

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Put this strength into action, but don't overdo it!

  • Because friendship traits come to you naturally, you may actually need to rein it in sometimes! Feeling others' emotions, and feeling very deeply, can take its toll.

  • Avoid being a people pleaser — make sure others are there for you, too!


Lola's friend just went through a breakup and needs support. How should Lola, an HSP, support their friend? Select all that apply:

5. You're self-reflective

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Highly sensitive people are:

  • thinkers

  • perceptive

  • self-aware

These qualities help HSPs develop strong relationships. Yet, HSPs need to take time to process what they've experienced so that they don't become overwhelmed or self-critical.

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Put this strength into action:

  • Journal to help corral your thoughts and feelings.

  • Keep a dream log and see what themes come up.

  • Take breaks so you have time to process your emotions.

Remember to take care of yourself!

I;;ustration of a young woman surrounded by flowers and holding a watering can over her head

— Image by Storyset on Freepik

As a highly sensitive person, you absorb a lot each day:

  • Others' moods and emotions

  • Environmental stimuli, such as lights, music, and noise

Your brain and body are very busy dealing with all of this input and it's easy to feel overstimulated!

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Make sure you give yourself some downtime in order to recharge.

  • Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

  • Spend time alone when you need it.

  • Set up a space at home where you can retreat.

  • Learn to say no so that you don't overextend yourself.

  • Try mindful activities such as coloring, meditation, or breathing exercises.

Take Action

Happy sun shining

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Now that you know about some of the positive aspects of being a highly sensitive person, use your gifts to make a difference in the world! And don't forget to be kind to yourself so that you have the energy to shine!


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