Do you love music and sharing that passion with others?

A young man teaching an elderly woman to play the piano.

Then becoming a music teacher could strike just the right chord with you!

What Kinds Of Music Teachers Are There?

As a music teacher, you could find your rhythm in several different teaching roles.

School icon

School music teacher

  • Teach large groups of students

  • Teach music theory, history, and practice

  • Direct school bands or choirs

Piano icon

Private instrumental or vocal tutor

  • Provide one-on-one instruction

  • Teach a particular instrument, group of instruments, or singing

  • Teach in your home, students’ homes, or at different institutions

Music notation icon Music theory instructor

  • Focus on the academic side of music

  • Teach topics such as musical notation, harmony, and counterpoint

  • Teach music in colleges or universities

Two singers icon Community music teacher

  • Teach groups of various ages and skill-levels

  • Organize musical events in your local area

  • Make music accessible and enjoyable for everyone

What Experience and Skills Will I Need?

Flaticon Icon


  • Strong ability in at least one instrument

  • Knowledge of a range of musical genres and styles (or a specialist in one style)

Flaticon Icon

Education and Qualifications

  • A Bachelor's degree in music, music education, or a related field

  • Teacher certification

Flaticon Icon


  • Strong communication skills: you might be working with a wide range of students

  • Patience and adaptability: to adapt your teaching style to meet the needs of different students

  • Organizational skills: to keep track of each student's progress and plan lessons

You'll Love It If…

  • You're patient, empathetic, and a good communicator

  • You're creative and adaptive — you can think on your feet and change your approach to meet different students' needs

  • You enjoy it when every day is different from the last

Woman driving and saying,

This Might Not Be Your Jam If…

  • You prefer working by yourself

  • You want to be a millionaire

  • You like a predictable schedule and routine

A podcast host saying,

How Note-Worthy Is The Pay?

The salary for music teachers can vary greatly depending on:

  • type of teaching

  • qualifications and experience

  • geographical location

In the U.S., the average salary is $45,765 (USD).

Close-up of the US flag. Photo by Luke Michael on Unsplash

In Canada, the average salary is $63,019 (CAD).

Close-up of the Canadian flag. Photo by Rose Butler on Unsplash

Who Should Step Up To The Stage?

Flaticon Icon Priya

  • Enjoys working alone

  • Likes a fixed routine

Flaticon Icon David

  • Doesn’t like uncertainty

  • Wants to earn $100,000 a year

Flaticon Icon Sara

  • Loves working with a range of people

  • Is patient and understanding


Who sounds like they’re most suited to becoming a music teacher?

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Does becoming a music teacher sound like music to your ears?

Bart Simpson in a music studio enjoying music on his headphones.


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