
Share a problem they have encountered ,

Post their resume for review ,

Read the #resume-help channel

Did you know?

Our server volunteers fit under three categories: librarians (they help you find Byte suggestions), reviewers (they'll provide feedback on your resume or cover letter), and moderators (for if you have concerns about activity in the server).

Take Action

Person pretending to reel in a fishing rod

If you're reading this Byte you are already part of the Rumie community! Members of the community use Bytes from the Rumie Learn library as a starting point for conversations and to share in response to others' questions.


Ever catch yourself thinking:

  • "Is my resume actually formatted well?" 🤔

  • "Did I say the wrong thing in my interview last week?" 😓

  • "How can I adapt my time management plan for online school?" 😐

Look no further: there's a community of learners ready to welcome you! The Rumie community (hosted on Discord) is for just that: supporting each other on career and life skills topics you may not have learned in school!

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What's Rumie? We're a tech nonprofit and charity on a mission to make learning accessible with our free virtual library of Bytes. More on Rumie here.

What's a Byte? A ~5 minute mini-lesson about soft skills: you're reading one right now! Bytes always include suggestions on how to take action in real life. More on Bytes here.

Not sure how Discord works? There's a Byte for that too!

Get support from the community

The Rumie community is a space to connect with other people facing similar challenges as you, and others who have been through it before and can provide advice.

Flaticon Icon You're not alone in feeling:

  • Overwhelmed by your job search 😩

  • Lost when it comes to managing your time ⌚

  • Unsure of how to respond to awkward social situations 🤔

Flaticon Icon Tell the community what you need help with and someone will help you find your bearings, or come by to observe and offer others support.

Start in the #general channel in the Discord server (someone will welcome you) and go from there!

Did you know?

When you first join the server you will be greeted with a quick onboarding process: select topics that interest you to customize your Rumie experience!

Explore more channels

lego person navigating with a compass

Here are just a few of the other channels that you'll find and what you might chat about:

Community hub

  • #new-bytes ➡ get notified of the latest on Rumie and chat with Byte authors

  • #general-forum ➡ start conversations on topics that interest you

Job app help

  • #resume-help ➡ get help with your resume (block out your personal details first!)

Working zone

Did you know?

Some channels are just for fun, like #nature-pics, #random, and #word-association 😋

Shape the community

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We want this to be a community that works for YOU! To shape the community:

👩‍🏫 Ask questions and learn from fellow community members

🎁 Share Bytes that resonated with you or to support a community member

📣 Share your feedback

👍 Suggest server features and Byte topics you'd like to see

💌 Invite your friends or others in your life who could benefit from joining

🔥 Volunteer with Rumie as a Learning Designer to author Rumie Bytes or server volunteer to engage with members

Bump and rate the server on Disboard (the public Discord search engine)


Jules is in the midst of a lengthy job search. They could use some help so they joined the Rumie community and introduced themselves. What could they do next?

Did you know?

Our server volunteers fit under three categories: librarians (they help you find Byte suggestions), reviewers (they'll provide feedback on your resume or cover letter), and moderators (for if you have concerns about activity in the server).

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Take Action

Person pretending to reel in a fishing rod

If you're reading this Byte you are already part of the Rumie community! Members of the community use Bytes from the Rumie Learn library as a starting point for conversations and to share in response to others' questions.


Your feedback matters to us.

This Byte helped me better understand the topic.

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New Bytes

We publish fresh Bytes daily, we can send you a notification when that happens.

Did you know?

Our server volunteers fit under three categories: librarians (they help you find Byte suggestions), reviewers (they'll provide feedback on your resume or cover letter), and moderators (for if you have concerns about activity in the server).

Take Action

Person pretending to reel in a fishing rod

If you're reading this Byte you are already part of the Rumie community! Members of the community use Bytes from the Rumie Learn library as a starting point for conversations and to share in response to others' questions.

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This logo isn't an ad or affiliate link. It's an organization that shares in our mission, and empowered the authors to share their insights in Byte form.
Rumie vets Bytes for compliance with our
Standards. The organization is responsible for the completeness and reliability of the content.
Learn more about how Rumie works with partners.


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