Are you ready to have some fun and interesting conversations about art and culture?

Brightly colored woven baskets with geometric designs. Photo by Samos Box on Unsplash

Whether you're a die-hard fan of Picasso or just enjoy watching movies, there's always something to talk about.

Here are a few ideas to get you started talking about art and culture, and keep the conversation going!

1. Attend cultural events with others

Instead of just discussing art and culture, why not experience it with someone you know? Attend a concert, play, orart exhibitand discuss your thoughts and reactions afterwards.

Two women sitting on a bench in front of a Monet waterlily painting. Photo by Diane Picchiottino on Unsplash

Check your local art museums and theatres to see what's showing, then grab some tickets!

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If you don't have easy access to art and culture, you can do a quick Google search for "virtual art experiences" or "virtual art galleries". Many museums offer online experiences that you can do from the comfort of your home.

2. Have a cultural potluck

Ask your friends to bring food or drinks from different cultures and discuss the cultural significance of the dishes while you eat. This can be a fun way to explore different cultures together.

No Face from Spirited Away sitting at a feast with text that reads,

Try out these discussion questions to get the conversation flowing:

  1. What traditional dish from your culture did you bring? Why is it significant to your culture's culinary heritage?

  2. How does your culture use spices and seasonings? What impact do they have on the flavor profiles of dishes?

  3. How has the availability of ingredients and the globalization of food impacted traditional recipes in your culture? Have there been any adaptations or innovations as a result?

3. Debate about trends

Discussing trends in art and culture can be a fun way to explore different perspectives.

For example, you could debate the impact of social media or technology on modern art, such as:

Are people experiencing art installations such as Yayaoi Kasuma's mirrored Infinity Rooms as art? Or are people using them to create another fun Instagram story, adding to their social media presence?

People in a dark room with mirrors and lights which appear to endlessly go on as the relfect in the mirrors. Photo by Mike Swigunski on Unsplash

4. Discuss art and social issues

Discuss how art can be used to address social issues like racism, gender inequality, and environmentalism.

Colorful mural of George Floyd and flowers on the side of a building. Photo by mana5280 on Unsplash

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Discussing topics such as race, class, gender, and inequality can be sensitive for some people. In order to keep conversations respectful, follow these guidelines:

  1. Establish the discussion space as safe and non-judgemental, where people can express themselves freely.

  2. Engage in active listening by giving your full attention to the speaker. Appreciate their point of view, even if you disagree.

  3. Maintain respectful language and tone.

  4. Be willing to learn and challenge your own beliefs.

  5. Take a break if the conversation becomes too heated, or change topics.

5. Share your favorite artists

Whether it's a musician, painter, or writer, sharing your favorite artists can be a great way to get your friends talking about art and culture. Talk about what you love about their work and why they inspire you.

Two friends listening to a CD on a discman while sharing headphones.

Remember, art and culture are diverse and there are endless possibilities for conversations. Just keep an open mind and let the discussion flow naturally.


You and your friends are debating over what "authenticity" means when it comes to world cuisines. The conversation becomes heated. What should you do?

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Girl with a beret screaming into a megaphone,


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