Sometimes taking an online class can feel like you are hiding in the back row.

Did you know that building a relationship with your online instructor can help you tremendously with getting help, discussing grades, and scoring scholarship or job references?

happy new job GIF by Kissing Sisters

Building trust can help when life happens and you need some flexibility.

Cat Sleep GIF by Tony Babel

The Basics

If the class has meetings, go to class.

Yes I Know GIF

Pay attention and do not multi-task.

class GIF You may not realize how obvious it is when you are doing other things.

Level Up: Prepare

Do your homework.

pick me back to school GIF by Cartuna Put in the effort to brush your hair and put on a clean shirt.

Make sure to eat before class if possible.

Dog Human Eating GIF by Testing 1, 2, 3

Pro Tip: Communicate

Before class starts, read the syllabus to learn the instructor's expectations.

Reach out to the instructor when you have questions, but only after checking back in the syllabus.

Inform the instructor if you will be absent or late.

Unsettled Tom

Expert Level: Participate

Put yourself in the instructor's shoes!

Participate in class: answer questions when no one else will.

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Dr. Finnegan doesn't require students to keep their cameras on for his class. Sam wants to make a good impression. What should they do?

Power Up: Show Respect

Show your instructor that you value their time.

respect GIF by Kevin Ross Your goal is for them to know your name and have a positive impression of you.

When you need help, approach them without exasperation or accusation.

please GIF


Ron has failed the last two quizzes and is feeling desperate. He plans to reach out to the instructor for help via email as directed by the syllabus. What is the best approach?

Game Changer: Make Their Job Easier

Show your instructor that you are making an effort and that you are on "Team Learn" with them.

Byte Author Uploaded Image Take charge of your own learning, whether you are thriving or need some help.


Martin does extra credit for fun, while Teague is struggling in class. Teague reaches out for help. Who is showing they are invested?

Take Action

While online learning poses some challenges to getting to know your instructor, it can be done!

Start building a professional relationship with your online professor today:


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