Picture walking into an elementary school classroom that's not just filled with pretty decorations, but also with lots of laughter, friendly chatter, and a real excitement for learning. What makes thisclassroom so special?

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A positive learning environment is more than just "Instagram ready," it’s the culture fostered by you, their classroom teacher! 

Building Relationships

The heartbeat of a positive learning environment is the relationship you build with your students. It begins with empathy, personal connections, and open communication. 

This creates a safe and supportive space where children thrive — building trust, motivation, and a love for learning.

To make learning awesome, teachers can:

  • Be friendly with students. Get to know them, talk, and listen.

  • Give helpful feedback. Tell them how to improve, so they grow.

  • Set a good example. Show how to behave and be kind.

  • Praise hard work. Celebrate when they try hard and do well.

Check out the video below from Rita Pierson, a passionate teacher who tells the story of how she connects with her students:

Diversity and Inclusion

Celebrating differences makes the learning experience richer and more meaningful.

Understanding that everyone comes from unique backgrounds and brings their own perspectives can open up new ways of thinking and problem-solving to the learning environment.

  • Promote the use of inclusive language to ensure that no one feels left out. Elementary students are still in the process of developing their communication skills, so they need targeted support in this area!

  • Address any issues promptly, whether it's a conflict or a misunderstanding so that everyone feels respected and valued.

  • Incorporate storytelling into lessons to make learning engaging and relatable for young children. Share diverse stories that convey positive values and morals, facilitating an early understanding of diversity and inclusion.

These continued practices create a safe and welcoming space for everyone to learn and grow, knowing that we're all part of a supportive and inclusive community.

Different skin-toned hands spelling out the word

Quiz: Ms. Johnson's Class

Flaticon Icon Ms. Johnson's class is diverse, with students from various backgrounds. She wants to foster a more positive learning environment through diversity and inclusion. Which of the following can help Ms. Johnson achieve her goal?

A. Ignoring cultural differences and focusing solely on academic subjects.

B. Acknowledging and celebrating the diversity of her students, using inclusive language, and addressing conflicts promptly.

C. Only addressing conflicts if they become major issues.

D. Hosting a culture fair one night every year.


Select the choice that will help Ms. Johnson achieve her goal.

Student Engagement

I want my students to identify aspects of themselves as learners that they may not have considered before, so that when they are pursuing new learning, they have a place to start.

Tiffani Perry, 5th-grade teacher

Your classroom should be a place where everyone not only wants to learn but actively leads their learning journey.

Maintaining student engagement can be a challenge, especially with young children, but it's also the key to a happy and successful learning environment.

Try one or more of these ideas to foster a more positive and productive learning experience for all:

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Consider Learning Preferences

Some students learn effectively through visuals, while auditory or kinesthetic methods appeal to others. Adapt your teaching to accommodate these preferences and needs.

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Use Technology

Integrate age-appropriate technology, as it can provide interactive and engaging learning experiences. Interactive software, educational apps, and online resources can make lessons more interesting.

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Encourage Active Participation

Plan discussions, debates, or hands-on experiments. Engaging students actively in the learning process keeps them focused and involved.

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Incorporate Real-World Relevance

Connect lessons to real-world applications and current events. Showing students the practical significance of what they're learning can increase their engagement.

Flaticon Icon Offer Choice and Flexibility

Allow students to choose from different assignments or projects related to the same learning objectives. This promotes engagement by letting students explore topics that genuinely interest them.

The video below explains how all of the above techniques can empower your students:

Classroom Environment

While your classroom doesn’t need to be “picture perfect,” it’s still important that it’s functional and supportive of learning.

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  • Make necessary resources and materials readily available to support students' educational needs. 

  • Design your classroom to be comfortable, organized, and welcoming, allowing students to focus on learning.

  • Reflect the richness of the world's cultures (and the students in your classroom) with books, posters, and materials. This promotes understanding and empathy. 

  • Elementary students may face emotional challenges. Foster a caring environment where they can discuss their feelings and concerns with the teacher or a counselor.

Take Action

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To start building upon your positive learning environment:


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