Is this what you picture when thinking about working in an office?

cartoon baby reading something boring and rolling their eyes Being an administrative assistant is the opposite of boring: it is all about multitasking!

How do you know if being an administrative assistant is a good fit for you?

How Do Administrative Assistants Contribute ?

Man doing work at a desktop computer Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Administrative assistants play an important role in companies!

They have a variety of duties related to organization and communication to keep the company running smoothly.

They provide administrative support to help managers and employees work more efficiently. They write, prepare, organize and distribute information/documents.

The Actual Job

Each administrative assistant job is different, but on any given day you might:

  • Welcome clients

  • Answer phone calls and emails

  • Schedule meetings

  • Maintain and update paper and computer filing systems

  • Edit and deal with invoices

  • Write reports

  • Create presentations

  • Organize information into charts

  • Book taxis, hotels, flights, and conference calls

Person laying on their back juggling balls with their hands and feet


Which of these duties might an administrative assistant do?

What Might A Typical Day Look Like ?

Monkey trying to get a laptop to work and getting frustrated when they can't

9am: Check emails and deal with overnight emergencies and unexpected requests

9:30am: Check manager's planning and see if everything is ready for their 10am appointment

10:30am: Prepare and send an invoice to a client

12pm: Lunch time!

1pm: Send the agenda for tomorrow's staff meeting

2:30pm: Keep updating the computer filing system

3:30pm: Sort and scan the documents received this week


You have to be organized to be an administrative assistant. Which of these skills is also very important?

Where Can You Get Work As An Administrative Assistant?

Three blue signs with white text: here, there, everywhere

You can find an administrative assistant in any company, non-profit, school or university: every office needs an admin!

Your specific duties will depend on the work environment. Here are just a few people you may need to assist:

Female doctor icon Doctors and patients at a medical clinic

Female teacher teaching 1+1=2 Principals, teachers, and students at an elementary school

Female businesswoman in a blue suit CEOs, managers, and clients at a corporate office

But Will It Pay The Bills?

Flaticon Icon Canada: Average yearly salary for an administrative assistant is $41,000.

Flaticon Icon USA: Average yearly salary for an administrative assistant is $39,000.

You'll Love It if...

  • You like being helpful.

  • You like having things done.

  • You are dynamic but patient at the same time.

  • You have strong communication skills.

Selena Gomez saying

Look For Another Career Path If...

  • You faint every time you talk about a schedule.

  • Excel tabs and charts make you cry.

  • You do not pay attention to details.

  • You like your routine and you consider 'multitasking' a swear word.

  • You do not like working behind the scenes.

Man carrying tools to clean a car and dropping them everywhere

Take Action

Do you know anyone who is an administrative assistant?

Ask them to give you a few moments of their time!

Puss In Boots Please GIF by swerk Find out:


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