Spongebob asking,

The COVID-19 era might not see like the best time to become a teacher, but the truth is, great teachers are always needed.

Teachers ensure that students emerge from school with the knowledge and skills to be successful regardless of which path they choose after they graduate.

The path to becoming a teacher can span a period of several months to several years depending on your current level of education and the teacher program you are enrolled in.

Skills Necessary To Be A Great Teacher

When you think of teaching, making quizzes and entering grades are not all that you do.

Liam Neeson on the phone explaining his career qualifications

Teaching might be for if you are:

  • a critical thinker

  • good at communicating with parents, students, and other staff

  • organized (will make your life easier)

  • willing to receive and reflect on feedback about your teaching

  • good at using data and numbers to make decisions

  • good at learning and using new education technologies

What If This Is Not The Best Career For You?

Teaching in a public school might NOT be the best career if you:

  • don't have any interest in building relationships with your students

  • don't like working under pressure

  • prefer to work independently

  • have a non-work commitment that needs a lot of time and energy from you

And that's okay!

Children in a classroom doing arts and crafts Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Some people come to teaching after switching from a prior career. Other teachers leave for a few years and come back after a major life event and enjoy it more.

If you're not ready to commit to teaching as a career but still want to get involved, visit a local school to see if they need mentors or volunteers.


How else can you help students if you're not ready to become a teacher just yet?

What Does A Teacher's Day Look Like?

Your daily schedule will depend on the subject and grade level you teach.

Besides regular school hours, many campuses have before and after school activities.

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Attendance and "Housekeeping"

The first few minutes of the day (or class) is where you mark students present or absent, and collect homework.

Flaticon Icon Teaching Your Content

There are many ways to model or teach new info to your students. Then students can practice what they learned.

Flaticon Icon Lunch and Planning Period

If you don't have lunch duty, you will be able to eat and have time to plan, sit in meetings with your team, and grade assignments.

Flaticon Icon Dismissal and Extracurriculars

Once the school day is over, you might be paid to run activities, tutor, or coach.

Pay, Benefits, And Deciding Factors

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average income for education jobs was $50,790 in May 2019.

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A person working as a teacher in Canada typically earns around $93,700  CAD per year.

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Aziz Ansari in a classroom throwing money into the air

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Here are a few things to consider alongside your salary:

  1. What benefits will you receive? Many teachers are offered dental, vision, and medical coverage.

  2. Where will you live and what is the cost of living? City living is usually more expensive, but certain states pay less regardless of where you teach.

  3. Will you need to pick up a side job to afford your cost of living?

  4. How large is your family? You'll need to maintain a work-life balance and it's hard to do that as a teacher.

Take Action

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Teachers are essential to every community. When you are ready to take the next steps, remember that this could be the beginning of a rewarding career!


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