Does getting paid to travel sound like your idea of a dream job? Flight attendants in mass dancing in an airplane cabin.

That's exactly what a flight attendant does every day!

What Does A Flight Attendant Do?

  • Greets passengers as they enter and exit the plane

  • Assists with finding them and help with storing the luggage

  • Demonstrates the use of emergency and safety equipment

  • Serves beverages, meals, and snacks

  • Helps passengers with special needs and provides first aid if needed A flight attendant gesturing to show the exits on a plane

How Much Can I Expect To Earn?

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The average salary in the U.S. is USD $63,673 to $98,354 per year.

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The average salary in Canada is CAD $40,600 to $129,000 per year.

What Do I Need To Do To Become A Flight Attendant?

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  • Graduate from high school

  • Get some customer service experience

  • Some college classes make you a stronger candidate (tourism, hospitality, communications, public relations)

  • Be fluent in English (speaking more than one language makes you stand out)

  • Training and a certificates provided by airlines


What is NOT a requirement to become a flight attendant?

You Will Love It If You ...

  • are friendly person, who likes to talk to and help people

  • like to travel the world and meet new people

  • you want to have a flexible job in which every day is different

    Chris Pratt rubbing his hands together

Look For Another Career If You ...

  • don't like interacting with people you don't know

  • like to spend a lot of time at home

  • look for a predictable work schedule

  • not coping well with stressful situations and pressure

    A woman saying,

Take Action

A woman saying,

If being a flight attendant sounds like a good fit for you..


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