A person working on putting their ideas into a computer. Photo by veera Batlu on Unsplash

Have you ever attended a class, lecture, or seminar that was so boring that you wished it would end? Have you thought about the ways you would improve it? Then curriculum development may be the right career path for you!

What Do Curriculum Developers Do?

A person reviewing a storyboard of a large piece of paper.

Curriculum developers help teachers, educational institutions, and organizations develop and select various class materials. This can include the types of books to use, the activities to run, and the technology that can be used in a class.

Imagine you're working on an education project and need help improving it. A curriculum developer could guide you using their experience and expertise by providing resources and tools.

Curriculum Developers' Responsibilities

A person with multiple arms holding computer items, coffee cup, food, and paper moving at the same time. Although each day is different, often, you’ll find curriculum developers:

  • Observing teachers and providing them with feedback to improve their teaching skills.

  • Working collaboratively to design the curriculum and create materials.

  • Updating existing curriculum using past results and feedback from students and teachers.

  • Researching ways to incorporate technology into the curriculum.

  • Ensuring the current curriculum meets the school board standards.

  • Finding innovative ways to enhance the learning experience for students.

  • Training students, faculty, and teachers on new educational technology.


Which of the below is NOT a responsibility of a curriculum developer?

What Experience Do You Need?

Requirements vary by country and institution, but a post-secondary education and practical experience will ensure success.

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Flaticon Icon

A post-graduate education with the following requirements:

  • A college diploma or university degree in a related discipline

  • A teaching/training certificate

Work experience and soft skills such as:

  • Teaching or training experience in a classroom

  • Research, communication, and presentation skills

  • Gathering data and creating reports

What You Can Expect to Earn

An image of dollar bills with dollar signs on them floating in the air. Image by pch.vector on Freepik

In the US, the average salary is around $70,000 USD. 🇺🇸

In Canada, the average salary is around $67,000 CAD. 🇨🇦

Is This The Right Fit For Me?

An image of yes and no icons with two people trying to decide between them.

Image by pch.vector on Freepik

You'll love this role if...

  • Creating learning experiences for students sounds fun.

  • Learning and having a growth mindset seems exciting.

  • Enjoy collaborating, being organized, and detail-oriented.

  • You're creative and enjoy researching and writing.

Look for another career path if...

  • Working on your own is more your style.

  • Having a routine and consistency is essential for you.

  • You prefer developing online eLearning courses.

Take Action

A person holding a pencil with a checkmark symbol behind her. Image by macrovector on Freepik

Could curriculum development be your calling? If so…


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