Did you know that you can improve your memory by creating a memory palace?

The Office's Michael Scott saying,

Unless you're a big fan of Sherlock Holmes, the idea of a memory or mind palace may be completely new to you. The famous fictional detective uses his very own mind palace to solve crimes, remember clues, and recall important pieces of information to solve his case.

Sherlock Holmes says,

Like Sherlock, you too can create your own memory palace so that you can remember information better!

What is a memory palace?

A memory palace is an imaginary place that exists in your mind.

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Using your memory palace, you can store mnemonic images (information that you link to an image or an object) in different places within your memory palace.

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You can then take a mental walk through your palace, recalling the different pieces of information based on the images or objects you see.

Find out more in the video below from Derren Brown, an illusionist who uses psychology to underpin his magic and mind-reading. 🔽

Why do I need a memory palace?

Sherlock in protective glasses asking,

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  • You can easily store difficult information.

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  • You can remember any type of information with the memory palace.

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  • You can keep your new information in a certain order.

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  • It can improve your overall memory recall.

Research has shown that by using a memory palace, your overall ability to remember and recall information can improve long into your later life.

How do I begin making my own memory palace?

1. Decide on a place to act as your memory palace.

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  • The place you choose needs to be familiar to you, such as your house, your place of work, school grounds, or even a favorite walk through your local forest.

  • You're going to be walking around this place a lot, so you must know it inside out.

2. Choose a route.

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  • Create a pathway through your chosen palace.

  • Make sure to notice different things on your journey.

3. Break down your information.

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  • Make connections between your information and a meaningful object or image.

  • Try to make the images or objects as strange as possible to help them stick.

Sherlock Holmes twiddling his fingers and thinking.

4. Place your objects or images around your mental palace.

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  • Put your objects in meaningful places.

5. Retrieve your information with a stroll.

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  • Put on your mental walking shoes and take a nice walk around your newly built memory palace!


A student is learning about the parts of the brain. They want to remember that the frontal lobe is the part that is used for decision making. What could they turn their "frontal lobe" into to place in their mind palace?

Take Action

Set up your new memory palace!

A man in a studio clapping slowly. The text reads,


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