Have you ever had a goal but been unsure how to start or which steps to take to achieve it?

Actor Jeff Goldblum pausing and looking unsure.

Have you ever had goals you want your students to reach but have been unsure how to create learning objectives to get them there?

A teacher looking disappointed as her students walk past.

Try creating learning objectives using Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning!

Bloom's Taxonomy helps learners progress from simple to more complex levels of learning. It also helps engage and interest students at every stage of the learning process.

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Why are Learning Objectives Important?

A learning objective (or outcome) is a statement that focuses the lesson.

Chelsea Handler saying,

The learning objective describes what the learner should know, understand, or be able to do by the end of a particular lesson.

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What is Bloom's Taxonomy?

There are 6 levels to the model. Each level is labeled by what you want learners to do.

A chart of the 6 steps of Bloom's Taxonomy: Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, Create. Your learning objectives can be aligned with one of these levels so that it's clear what you want learners to do or to know.

Level 1: Remember

The learning outcome at this level is for learners to recall important information.

A woman telling a man,

A history test often requires remembering the dates and names associated with important world events. This tests the ability to recall information.

Flaticon Icon Example:

  • "By the end of the lesson, you will be asked to recall three important events that happened during the Cold War."

Level 2: Understand

Learning outcomes at this level require learners to understand key concepts and/or relevant ideas.

Bette Midler in Hocus Pocus asking,

This level asks learners to summarize and paraphrase information in their own words, which displays a proper level of understanding.

Flaticon Icon Example:

  • "By the end of today's session, you will understand the main causes of the Cold War and be able to summarize why it was an important historical period."

Level 3: Apply

The learning outcome here focuses on the application of information to see if learners have correctly understood it.

A man demonstrating proper push-up technique.

Because this level often asks learners to demonstrate their understanding, this can be an active and hands-on stage of learning.


  • "In this lesson, you'll apply your understanding of the Cold War to relate this conflict with the ongoing war in Ukraine."

Level 4: Analyze

Learning outcomes at this level ask learners to categorize and connect different pieces of information.

A bunch of lemons. The text reads,

This can include something like reading opposing viewpoints on an issue and analyzing how each side is presented.

Flaticon Icon Example:

  • "In today's lesson, you'll be able to organize and categorize different perspectives for and against the Russian invasion of Ukraine."


True or False: The analysis stage of learning involves student's expressing their own opinion.

Level 5: Evaluate

The learning outcome for this level requires learners to organize and critically think about different perspectives and sources of information.

Sherlock Holmes saying,

This level can include asking learners to defend and/or justify their point of view on a topic.

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  • "By the end of today's lesson, you will organize and present your opinion about the best course of action to resolve the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine."

Level 6: Create

The most advanced stage centers the learning outcome on the learner creating something new.

An artist painting outside. The text reads,

Creation brings together the skills required in the previous 5 levels. This level can include the creation of an original piece of writing (like an essay), a work of art, a video, or a presentation.

Flaticon Icon Example:

  • "By the end of the course, you will write an original essay presenting your argument about whether you think Ukraine should (or should not) be a part of NATO."


Flaticon Icon Miles is a high school history teacher. He wants his students to read two news articles expressing different opinions on a topic and explain these opposing perspectives in their own words.


Which level of Bloom's Taxonomy is most aligned with Miles' learning outcome?

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A man pointing and saying ,


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