Do you have a degree in interior design but don't know which career path to follow?

Let's explore 3 career options across a range of sectors you can choose from!
Residential Interior Designer
A residential interior designer could work in several different capacities including:
Interior Decorator
personalizes living spaces
chooses home decor based on their clients' preferences
chooses details such as artwork, furniture, and window coverings
Kitchen Designer
focuses on the built-in features of the kitchen such as the cabinets, cooking essentials, external features, and countertops
creates a practical plan utilizing a particular design
ensures that the room looks appealing while still being practical and effective
Real Estate Stager
makes the interior of the home for sale aesthetically pleasing for potential buyers
chooses furniture, artwork, and other items within the budget
maximizes the space available
creates an appealing design for website pictures
The average salary of a residential interior designer is:
$65,748 USD
$57, 156 CAD
Corporate Interior Designer

A commercial interior designer:
designs commercial spaces including buildings, co-working spaces, development centers, and research centers
ensures optimal usage of space throughout the project
acts as a liaison between each of the professionals working on the project
ensures that the space will be safe for usage
A typical day as a commercial interior designer includes:
meeting with clients and tradespeople to discuss the project
designing and developing models and drawings of the space
conducting research and creating blueprints, diagrams, or sketches related to the project
choosing vendors for materials and labor
providing estimates to the clients
According to Glassdoor, the average salary of a commercial interior designer is:
$74,280 USD
$71,503 CAD
Production Designer
A production designer works in the entertainment industry on:
TV shows
A production designer is responsible for:
the production's visual ideas
choosing the sets and locations for the production
designing the costumes
collaborating with the producer and the director
According to, the average salary of a production designer is:
$53,436 USD
$51,946 CAD
Meet Charlie, a New Interior Design Graduate
Charlie recently graduated with a bachelor's degree in interior design. They're artistic, creative, and have a love for creating fun spaces.
While in college, Charlie completed an internship at a real estate company where they staged homes for sale. They found this job to be a challenge but grew to like it over time.
Growing up, Charlie loved to watch TV shows and movies, not for the plot but to judge the set and costume choices! Charlie loves the idea of seeing all of the moving parts of a play come together into an amazing production.
Their favorite way to spend their free time is to travel to NYC to see Broadway shows.
Which career path would be the best fit for Charlie?
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