Do you find it hard to be on time for a meeting or an appointment? Do you get distracted easily? Are you often late or tight on meeting deadlines?

A gif of a guy just waking up and realizing he's late for work

If any of the above sounds familiar to you, you might be time blind. Learn what it means and how you can tackle time blindness!

What is time blindness?

Time blindness means the difficulty of capturing a sense of time. Time blindness could show up as:

  • Losing track of time

  • Acting impulsively

  • Getting bored easily

  • Procrastination

An image of a Timex clock. Photo by Sonja Langford on Unsplash

It could have different impacts on your life, such as:

  • Being constantly late for events or meetings

  • Difficulty completing school/work tasks on time

  • Missing important deadlines for school/work

  • Being mislabeled as "lazy"

How can I manage time blindness?

Time blindness might be a sensory issue, but that doesn't mean you can't improve your time management skills! There are small steps you can take to better manage your time.

Flaticon Icon Make a To-do List

It can be overwhelming when you don't know how many tasks you have to complete. A to-do list can help you visualize or make sense of what's on your plate.

Flaticon Icon Prioritize

Sometimes you have a lot going on, and that's okay! Try prioritizing tasks based on criteria like this:

  • Importance of the tasks

  • Deadlines associated with these tasks

  • Time and effort required to complete them

Flaticon Icon Find Your Focus Time and Break Routine

Everyone has a certain time of the day when you can focus the most. That's a great time for you to get a lot done! Identify your focus time and build your schedule around it.

Managing time blindness isn't about working extra hard to get things done. Taking the right amount of breaks at the right time can help you make the most out of your focus time.


Which of these are NOT good behaviours for managing time blindness? Choose all that apply.

Are there any tools that will help me?

Glad you asked! Technology is a great friend when it comes to handling your time blindness.

Flaticon Icon Time Trackers

Time trackers allow you to better understand how much time you spend on particular activities.

Flaticon Icon Focus Apps

Most focus apps will block certain apps/websites for a given period of time for you to focus on your tasks.

Flaticon Icon To-do Lists

If you're not a good old paper to-do list type, you can also use those planning apps.


True or false? "It's embarrassing to be time blind, and I should rely only on myself or online tools to handle it."

What if none of the above is helping?

A person stuck in a small space. They say,

If you try all the strategies and it's not helping you much, it might be time for you to seek professional support. Time blindness can be a symptom related to neurodevelopmental disorders like ADHD or autism.

You might also want to consider hiring a professional coach or joining a support group.

Neurodiverse-affirming therapists can help you understand your situation and identify the best next steps. Remember, it's always a good thing to seek support, never something to be ashamed of. 🙂

Take Action

If you're ready to take steps to tackle time blindness:

Someone making a to-do list on their desk.


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