Have you ever thought about how hobbies become hobbies? Or what a hobby is? Or why it's important to have hobbies?

A hobby is any activity that a person pursues because they enjoy it and with no intention of making a profit.

Let me tell you about how I discovered painting and the ways it helped my mental health.

Getting Hooked!

I love everything crafty and have always considered myself creative. Craft stores and aisles are some of my favorite shopping places. But I didn't often get a chance to do a project where I could fully immerse myself.

Until one morning, my neighbor knocked on my door, inviting me to a painting party at her house.

And that was it!

Fred Armise, holding a jar of tea and saying,

Afterward, I discovered a few of my friends enjoy painting, and I found amazing communities online. These were very inspirational and helpful with any questions I had, especially since there are so many tools, materials and brands in the market that are new to me.

If you don't have a neighbor to introduce you to a hobby, like mine did — don't worry, the world is your oyster! There are a number of ways you can explore new hobbies that you've never tried before or even thought of:

  • Local public libraries have many resources you can access.

  • Community centers hold various classes.

  • Some crafts stores have clubs or workshops.

  • Online communities like Pinterest.

Finding the Perfect Time

The perfect time to paint, or practice your hobby, isn't set in stone. It's up to you and your schedule.

How you balance your other responsibilities can help you decide when you can practice your hobby.

I feel like painting when:

  • I’m overwhelmed and stressed, with so much happening to me.

  • My mind feels blocked by a long to-do list, leaving me unsure where to start.

  • I want to create a special gift for someone I care about..

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Please note: I don't use painting as a means of procrastination but as a way to destress and organize my thoughts. I paint for just a few minutes each day, yet some days, I may paint for longer. Therefore, I set a timer so I don't lose track of time.


When is the best time to start/practice your hobby?

Taking the Leap!

When I decided I wanted to try painting all by myself, I headed to the dollar store to buy the necessary tools and watched a couple of YouTube videos.

It seems easy to do those paintings. Right?

Wrong! It was scary at first to just hold a brush over an empty white canvas.

I kept thinking...What if I mess this up? How can I fix this? It's not how it looks in the video tutorial I saw.

A frustrated woman clenching her hands and holding them up to her shoulders, saying

Slowly, my inner dialogue started to shift.

You know what? It's ok if the painting is not how it's "supposed" to be, maybe I can turn it into something else.

And that is what I did. I learned to overcome that initial scary moment by just starting to paint. It's okay to make a mistake or if it doesn't look like what I had in mind. This is my own masterpiece and I'm proud of it!

Benefits of Hobbies

When you take time to do activities that make you happy — i.e. hobbies — this boosts your mental health. "Giving quality time to activities you enjoy," outside of your work or studies, can also help your performance in other aspects of your life.

Here are some benefits of hobbies:

  • Well-being and mental health improvements

  • Reduced stress levels

  • Better relationships

Gerald Tremblay from Kim's Convenience saying,

Key Takeaways

Homer Simpson, saying,

Here are some of the wins I gained from starting a new hobby:

  • Patience: embracing the process takes time and dedication.

  • Self-discovery: unveiling new skills and talents I didn’t know I had.

  • Resilience: challenging myself to go beyond my comfort zone and grow.

  • Personalized art: My paintings become thoughtful gifts for loved ones, often customized with their names in calligraphy or their favorite colors.

  • Meaningful gifts: Personal touches make presents more impactful, leaving lasting impressions and emotional connections.


Sasha recently joined a robotics club in her local library and noticed a boost to her mood. What are some possible benefits for her?

Take Action

An old building with graffiti written in Gothic font that says

Fear of starting something new can hold you back from trying it, and that's ok. But if you always avoid situations that scare you, it might stop you from doing things you want or need to do, making you miss out on life.

According to an article by the Mental Health Foundation in the UK, there are several ways to overcome this fear. Some of these include talking to a friend, relaxing, and exercising. This is where your community is useful.

So, here's my advice: when starting a new hobby that poses no danger to you (and if you’ve taken all the necessary safety precautions), just go for it!


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