Have you ever been in a flat, uninspiring learning environment that looked and felt like this?

Bored students in a classroom.

Have you ever been in a fun and stimulating learning environment that looked more like this?

Excited students in a classroom.

A place where you were excited to be there and didn’t even notice how much you were learning?

Use the BOPPPS model to facilitate engaging and effective learning!

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BOPPPSis an acronym that stands for:

  • Bridge-In (or Hook)

  • Learning Objective (or Outcome)

  • Pre-Assessment

  • Participatory Activity

  • Post-Assessment

  • Summary

BOPPPS is a flexible way to design lessons that hook people in, let them know what they'll learn, find out what they already know, get them involved, and reinforce their learning!

1. Bridge-In

The bridge-in (or hook) begins the learning cycle and grabs the learner's attention.

Flaticon Icon Educators:

  • Gain learner's attention

  • Build motivation

  • Establish relevance

Learners find out:

  • What's in it for me?

  • Why does this matter?

  • Why should I learn this?

Leslie Knopes says,


  • Showing a video clip

  • Bringing in a relevant recent news story

  • Offering a related personal story

2. Learning Objective

The learning objective tells learners what they should know, think, value, or do by the end of the lesson.

Flaticon Icon Educators:

  • Clarify what learners will get from the lesson

  • Focus on outcomes when planning the lesson

Learners find out:

  • What's expected of me?

Two coworkers giving each other a secret handshake.


  • By the end of this Byte, learners will understand the 6 steps of the BOPPPS model for lesson planning.

3. Pre-Assessment

This step answers the question: "What do learners already know about the subject of the lesson?"

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Educators find out:

  • What learners already know

  • What learners are most interested in

  • Which learners can be a resource for others

  • If the pace of learning needs adjustment


  • Gain confidence by recalling prior knowledge

  • Assess their strengths and areas for improvement

A person says,


  • A survey or self-assessment worksheet

  • A show of hands to gauge the room

  • A group discussion on the topic

4. Participatory Activity

The main part of a lesson help learners achieve the learning objective by getting them involved in an activity.

Flaticon Icon Educators:

  • Plan an activity

  • Communicate expectations

  • Assist during the activity to help learners


  • Become actively involved

  • Test and explore ideas and make connections

  • Improve understanding and deepen learning

Bill Nye says,


  • A role-playing exercise

  • A case study to prompt small group discussions

  • Think-pair-share to brainstorm ideas

5. Post-Assessment

Follow up the activity to see if participants can show they've achieved the learning objective.

Flaticon Icon Educators find out:

  • What did participants really learn?

  • Can they demonstrate what they learned?

Learners find out:

  • Whether or not they achieved the learning objective

  • Gaps in their knowledge and understanding

A Disney villain catching fire. They say,


  • A follow-up survey

  • An exit survey so participants can write down the top 3 things they learned

  • In a group discussion, ask learners to connect the lesson to current events

6. Summary

Wraps up the lessons and ends the session. The summary can also be used to fit the learning objective into broader learning goals.

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  • Re-state the learning objective

  • Summarize what was done in the lesson

  • Reinforce what was learned


  • Reflect on whether they achieved the learning objective

  • Review lesson material to reinforce key ideas

  • Understand how the lesson fits into the bigger picture

One person tells another,


  • You have learned the 6 steps of the BOPPPS model and are now ready to try it out for yourself!

Quiz: Getting Started

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Meet Alex. She is a teacher planning her week using the BOPPPS model.

She wants to start by planning the core of the lesson and then build the rest around that step. Her priority is getting students engaged and involved in their learning.


What could Alex plan first?

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A person in a bathtub giving the thumbs up. They say,


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