"Put another sweater on!"

Person wearing a sweater while holding a mug Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash

Growing up, you might have been told to wear more clothes in the house during winter so your family could save money on the heating bill or reduce your energy consumption.

But piling on more sweaters isn't the only solution!

Some simple changes to your living space and habits will keep your energy consumption to a more sustainable level.

Turn The Heat Down

The best home temperatures for energy savings are:

  • Winter: 20 degrees Celsius/68 degrees Fahrenheit

  • Summer: 25.5 degrees Celsius/78 degrees Fahrenheit

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You can save even more, as much as 10% a year in heating and cooling costs, by adjusting thermostat temperatures just 4-5.5 degrees Celsius or 7-10 degrees Fahrenheit lower for 8 hours a day.

You can turn your heat down:


Leia works from home every day and wants to save money on her heating bill. When could turn the heat down? Select all that apply.

Simple Home Hacks

Hang thick or insulated drapes

This helps keep heat from escaping through older or less reliable windows.

Gold drapes Photo by Güner Deliağa Şahiner on Unsplash

Use window films

Like the above recommendation, this can also help to keep heat in, but be mindful of which windows you cover, as you won't be able to easily open them while the film is over the window.

Close room doors

Closing doors prevents cross-draft between rooms and keeps the heat isolated in whatever room you're in.

Closed door inside a house Photo by Jorge Flores on Unsplash

Place draft guards at doors

Placing a barrier below doors keeps heat from escaping and cold from getting in.

Keep Moving

Exercise can keep your body's core temperature elevated for as little as 20 minutes or as long as several hours after a workout.

Man running outdoors Photo by Jenny Hill on Unsplash

Not only will this help you get in better shape but you'll feel warmer for an extended period of time.

Drink Up

Not the boozy kind.

Drinking hot beverages such as coffee, tea or simply hot water will go a long way in helping you to stay warm.

Metal teapot Photo by Kowit Phothisan on Unsplash

In some parts of the world, cold water is never consumed because it's believed to lead to a cold body which will lead to illness.

It may seem strange to drink hot water but once you start this habit it will become a normal routine.

Move Out

If you're able to find alternative housing, consider these things that can help go a long way in reducing your heating consumption.

Live in a newer building or house

Older buildings tend to lose heat in the winter due to a lack of proper insulation.

Attic apartment with large, angeled windows lproviding lots of sunlight. Photo by Emily Wang on Unsplash

Where's the sun?

When finding a place to live, you should keep in mind the direction your windows face. You'll get more direct sunlight if your windows face south.


Too many can lose heat and not enough won't provide heat. Also, older windows will not be as reliable.

Side view of windows on a building Photo by Pierre Châtel-Innocenti on Unsplash


If you want to reduce your heating consumption, you should (select all that apply):

Take Action

It's possible to stay warm and still save money! You don't need to spend thousands of dollars on home upgrades to have a more sustainable living space. You can make simple adjustments to your home, or push the envelope with lifestyle changes.

GIF of Doc from 'Back to the Future' with 'Ready!' on the screen.

Here are some more Bytes to help you discover more ways to keep a sustainable home:


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