Imagine... 💭

You've written some complex code for a work or school project, but then you realize that maybe AI could help you!

Bender from Futurama with one arm reaching over his head to touch his hands together.

But you're not sure what AI for coding can do or how it works.

In the coming years, AI will play an important part in making coding more accessible and efficient and will be something important to know.

Ready to go? 🤖

What is AI?

"Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a technology that enables computers and machines to simulate human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities."

A robot waving.

AI uses algorithms to complete complex tasks that include:

  • Learning from experience (machine learning)

  • Understanding language

  • Recognizing patterns

  • Problem-solving

  • Simulating creativity

It is important to remember that AI for coding isn't perfect, as we'll see later in this Byte.

Suggesting code

AI can help increase the coding speed by predicting and suggesting the next lines of code. This can help save time and reduce errors, giving developers more time to focus on designing and planning.

AI can suggest complex algorithms or optimizations for more advanced code that developers might not have considered.

Flaticon Icon

AI for coding can be a useful tool for education and learning. For beginners, AI can help guide them through the coding process by giving suggestions or examples. It can also give explanations about why certain code is used.

Useful AI assistant for suggesting code: GitHub Copilot

Code reviews

AI for coding can help search for potential bugs and code quality problems. AI is excellent at providing feedback and suggesting improvements, which can speed up review cycles and produce higher-quality code. AI code reviews can help make code more efficient and easier to read.

The word

AI can predict parts of code that can cause future issues and potential problems, allowing developers to make it more stable and reliable.

Useful AI assistant for reviewing: Tabnine

Scan code for security vulnerabilities

AI can quickly scan code for security vulnerabilities when compared to manual human methods. It can analyze large batches of code efficiently, making AI for coding more cost-effective than just using humans.

A computer screen with scrambled code. Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Al is excellent at learning from evolving threats. It can reduce the amount of false positives, as well as provide developers with recommendations of ways to improve any code. Any risks of security breaches can be discovered more quickly.

Useful AI assistant for security vulnerabilities: Amazon Code Whisperer


Sam wants to use AI to check their code. What things could they use it for? Select all that apply:

Problems when using AI for coding

AI is not 100% foolproof and can generate errors if not used properly. It is therefore important to know the possible problems that can arise.

A robot malfunctioning while trying to turn a valve.

  • AI is capable of using inaccurate data

  • Can use biased data

  • Over-dependence on AI that reduces creativity

  • Legal grey area where code is taken from

  • Security issues

  • Can be expensive to implement AI software

Take Action

Bugs Bunny prepares to run a race at the start line.

Learn more about AI for coding!


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