
Do you feel distracted or anxious because of technology? Are notifications on your screens and devices causing you to feel stressed or overwhelmed?

A person on a mountain looking at their phone. Photo by Bruno Reyna on Unsplash

The world today is full of constant digital interruptions that negatively affect our well-being.

The good news is that it is possible to avoid burnout and unlock your potential through digital mindfulness.

What Is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is defined as a “mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations.”

You can increase your awareness through mindful or meditative practice to become "less reactive, more resilient, and ultimately more innovative and productive."

Did you know?

In 2012, Gaëlle Desbordes of Harvard Medical School demonstrated that changes in brain activity in people who learned to meditate hold steady even when they’re not meditating (The Harvard Gazette, "When science meets mindfulness", 2018).

Digital Mindfulness

Digital mindfulness training helps you redesign your digital environment and optimize your mental environment.

Listen to mindfulness expert Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn discuss the importance of mindfulness in a digital world:

Key points

  • We're becoming more human doings than human beings.

  • Technology is now so addictive that we are getting lost in it.

  • We continually reach for devices to distract ourselves.

  • We can train our minds and bodies to pay attention in new ways.

  • As with muscles, work with resistance to develop mindfulness.

  • The discipline of being in the moment leads to awareness.

  • Meditation apps can serve as reminders to not self-distract.

  • Rather than being distracted, we become more focused.

Tactics: Reducing Screen Time

Flaticon Icon Eliminate distractions

  • turn off notifications and silence devices

  • allow notifications only for people and apps that deliver important messages

Flaticon Icon Unplug or "digital detox"

  • 1 hour: before bedtime

  • once a week: digital "day off"

  • once a year: trip or retreat

Flaticon Icon Engage in other activities

  • creative: journaling, doodling, and sketching

  • physical: exercise or movement

Flaticon Icon Move your device

  • charge devices in a different room

  • keep your phone away from sleeping spaces

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Tactics: While On Screens

Flaticon Icon Track your time

  • use screen time tracking tools

Flaticon Icon "Chunk" times for tasks

  • schedule specific times for work such as checking emails

Flaticon Icon Reduce blue light exposure

  • blue light blocking glasses may offer protection against blue light from screens, which can affect your sleep or even cause disease

  • your device may have a ‘night shift’ mode

Flaticon Icon Create a comfortable workspace

  • set up your chair and desk to support good posture

  • place keyboard and screens at efficient angles

Flaticon Icon Download a meditation app

  • use your device to be more present!

Flaticon Icon Stretch or meditate

  • regularly pause to breathe and be in the moment

Mindfulness In Action

Here are some ideas from one business owner who practices digital mindfulness:

Take Action

Your turn!

Digital mindfulness can center you to be more present in the moment, whatever your focus. Develop your muscle of paying attention on purpose.

Use these techniques for greater awareness, calm, and motivation. What mindful habits could you introduce into your daily routine?


Flaticon Icon

Give it a try and check out these Bytes for some ideas on practicing digital mindfulness:


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