
"We'd like you to tame your hairstyle." ,

"Whoa YOU speak German?!" ,

"You're slow to catch on."

Did you know?

Ethnically diverse companies are 35% more likely to outperform their competitors (McKinsey.com, "Why diversity matters").

Beware Of Unconscious Bias

Unconscious biases are attitudes and stereotypes accumulated throughout life that can influence our decision making, particularly when something must be decided quickly.


A woman at a desk saying. "That's not fair!"

Unconscious biases limit the success of a workplace because they can lead to:

  • poor diversity in hiring and leadership positions

  • incorrect assumptions about people's abilities

  • dismissing potentially good ideas in favor of accepted (but not necessarily better) solutions

These blind spots can make employees feel unheard and undervalued. They'll be less willing to share ideas or collaborate on solutions.


Which of these comments reflect unconscious bias?


"You're an assistant, what do you know?" ,

"That's not how we do things here."

How To Promote An Inclusive Workplace

A woman saying, "I want to stress the importance of us being intentional about inclusion." You can promote a more inclusive workplace by holding yourself and others accountable to diversity principles.


  • Will you speak up if you or your colleagues are being mistreated?

  • Will you treat everyone in your workplace with professionalism and courtesy?

  • Will you consider a colleague's ideas based on its merits, rather than your assumptions about or experiences with that person?

  • When you share your ideas with others, are you willing to get their input and feedback?

  • Are you willing to support and promote ideas that aren't your own?

  • Can you reflect on your biases and assumptions and not let them get in the way of making decisions?

Take Action

A man on stage saying, "There's plenty of light here for us all to shine."

Are you ready to do the work to make your workplace more inclusive?


Is your workplace inclusive? Fact or Cap!

Does everyone feel welcomed, included, seen, heard, and valued? Then it's a FACT!

If CAP, you might be in a non-inclusive work environment.

Spongebob character at the office looking sad

What can you do to make your workplace feel like a more inclusive environment?

Things To Watch Out For

Flaticon Icon Look for these signs

to see if your workplace is non-inclusive:

Flaticon Icon Favoritism

  • people are treated better or worse because of their background or abilities

  • praise and opportunities are given only to the same types of people

  • team events and work shifts are scheduled to favor certain employees

Flaticon Icon Poor Communication

  • managers don't listen to employee concerns or ask for their input

  • important information and resources are kept away from employees

  • colleagues respond to each other in a condescending or patronizing tone

Flaticon Icon Bullying and Harassment

  • verbal abuse, inappropriate comments, gossip, and/or microaggressions

  • sexual and gender-based harassment

  • deliberate exclusion of one or many employees due to race, gender, etc.

Flaticon Icon Lack of Leadership & Collaboration

  • taking credit for others' ideas and work

  • micromanaging tasks and interfering with other people's duties

  • singling people out or scapegoating them for mistakes


You hear some comments during your workday from your manager and colleagues. Which comments are signs of a non-inclusive workplace?

Did you know?

Ethnically diverse companies are 35% more likely to outperform their competitors (McKinsey.com, "Why diversity matters").

Beware Of Unconscious Bias

Unconscious biases are attitudes and stereotypes accumulated throughout life that can influence our decision making, particularly when something must be decided quickly.

A woman at a desk saying. "That's not fair!"

Unconscious biases limit the success of a workplace because they can lead to:

  • poor diversity in hiring and leadership positions

  • incorrect assumptions about people's abilities

  • dismissing potentially good ideas in favor of accepted (but not necessarily better) solutions

These blind spots can make employees feel unheard and undervalued. They'll be less willing to share ideas or collaborate on solutions.


Which of these comments reflect unconscious bias?

How To Promote An Inclusive Workplace

A woman saying, "I want to stress the importance of us being intentional about inclusion." You can promote a more inclusive workplace by holding yourself and others accountable to diversity principles.

  • Will you speak up if you or your colleagues are being mistreated?

  • Will you treat everyone in your workplace with professionalism and courtesy?

  • Will you consider a colleague's ideas based on its merits, rather than your assumptions about or experiences with that person?

  • When you share your ideas with others, are you willing to get their input and feedback?

  • Are you willing to support and promote ideas that aren't your own?

  • Can you reflect on your biases and assumptions and not let them get in the way of making decisions?

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Take Action

A man on stage saying, "There's plenty of light here for us all to shine."

Are you ready to do the work to make your workplace more inclusive?


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Did you know?

Ethnically diverse companies are 35% more likely to outperform their competitors (McKinsey.com, "Why diversity matters").

Beware Of Unconscious Bias

Unconscious biases are attitudes and stereotypes accumulated throughout life that can influence our decision making, particularly when something must be decided quickly.


A woman at a desk saying. "That's not fair!"

Unconscious biases limit the success of a workplace because they can lead to:

  • poor diversity in hiring and leadership positions

  • incorrect assumptions about people's abilities

  • dismissing potentially good ideas in favor of accepted (but not necessarily better) solutions

These blind spots can make employees feel unheard and undervalued. They'll be less willing to share ideas or collaborate on solutions.


Which of these comments reflect unconscious bias?


"That's not how we do things here." ,

"You're an assistant, what do you know?"

How To Promote An Inclusive Workplace

A woman saying, "I want to stress the importance of us being intentional about inclusion." You can promote a more inclusive workplace by holding yourself and others accountable to diversity principles.


  • Will you speak up if you or your colleagues are being mistreated?

  • Will you treat everyone in your workplace with professionalism and courtesy?

  • Will you consider a colleague's ideas based on its merits, rather than your assumptions about or experiences with that person?

  • When you share your ideas with others, are you willing to get their input and feedback?

  • Are you willing to support and promote ideas that aren't your own?

  • Can you reflect on your biases and assumptions and not let them get in the way of making decisions?

Take Action

A man on stage saying, "There's plenty of light here for us all to shine."

Are you ready to do the work to make your workplace more inclusive?

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