Imagine one of your friends comes to you and opens up about their feelings of sadness and struggle. They trust you with their deepest emotions, and it's important for you to be there for them. But how can you provide the right kind of support they need?

By following a few guidelines,you can support your friend through their depression and truly make a difference in their journey toward feeling better.

A painting of a hand reaching out to two other hands of a person that is beneath the waves in a sea. Photo by Sue Carroll on Unsplash

Be a Good Listener

When someone opens up about their depression, be there for them with your full attention.

  • Create a safe and understanding space to share their feelings without judgment.

  • They sometimes need a friend who genuinely listens and cares about what they're going through.

Scrabble letter that spell out the words Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash


Jorge's friend wants to talk to him about how he has been feeling down and lost interest in things that used to bring him joy. How can he show his friend that he's listening to his feelings and cares about what he is saying?

Acknowledge Their Feelings

Let them know that their emotions are valid and that you empathize with their experience. Show them that you get it instead of brushing off or belittling their experiences. Let them know you're there to support them and that their feelings matter.

For example, when Elaina's friend tells her that she's feeling overwhelmed and "empty" most of the time, she could respond by saying, "I'm really glad you told me. I want you to know that I'm here for you, and your feelings are valid."

A hand giving a black paper heart to another outreached hand. Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Suggest Getting Help

It can be helpful to suggest that they seek support from a professional, such as a counsellor or therapist who knows how to help with depression. If they're comfortable, offer to help them find resources or even go with them to appointments.

  • Tell your friend gently that you care: "I want to see you feel better."

  • Suggest: "Talking to a therapist or counsellor can give you extra support and strategies for dealing with depression."

  • Let them know you're there: "When you're ready, I'll help you find someone to talk to or come with you." Keep it simple and kind, and respect their choice.

A person sitting with their hands folded in their lap, sitting next to another person. Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Help with Everyday Tasks

Depression can make even simple tasks feel overwhelming. Offering practical help can make a big difference:

  • Offer to run errands together

  • Cook meals

  • Lend a hand with chores

Understand that some people with depression may find it difficult to accept help. Instead of asking, "How can I help?" clearly state what you plan to do.

Two paper bags filled with groceries. Photo by Maria Lin Kim on Unsplash

Encourage Self-Care

a Neon sign that reads Photo by Max van den Oetelaar on Unsplash

Encourage the person to engage in self-care activities that promote their well-being. This may include:

  • Exercise

  • Maintaining a healthy diet

  • Getting enough sleep

  • Participating in activities they enjoy

Take Suicidal Thoughts Seriously

Flaticon Icon It's crucial to take it seriously when someone tells you about their suicidal thoughts.

Remember, they're reaching out because they need help and support. If you think they're in serious danger of harming themselves, don't keep it a secret.

Tell someone!

  • Contact a mental health professional or doctor

  • Call 911 or take them to the emergency room


Samina's friend tells her that he has been having suicidal thoughts recently, but it's nothing too serious. What should Samina do?

Be Patient

Dealing with depression takes time, and it's not something they can just "snap out of." So, be patient, understanding, and supportive. Let them know that you're there for the long haul, ready to lend an ear and be a friend no matter what.

Two people sitting at the edge of a lake, facing a sunset. Photo by Ignat Kushanrev on Unsplash

Take Action

Showing kindness, avoiding judgment, encouraging self-care, learning more about depression, and promoting open communication are all essential when supporting someone with depression.

By being a caring friend, you can make a positive impact in their life and be a source of support during their journey.

Buzz Lightyear kissing Woody on both cheeks with the words

Some other things you can do right now include:


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