
All of these

Prototype Fidelity

Prototypes can be either high or low fidelity. This depends on how close to the final product they are.

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This Byte was created by a volunteer professional that wanted to share this insight to help you succeed - no agenda, no cost.

Low Fidelity Prototypes

  • These are easier to create because they are cheap and fast.

  • They have a low level of functionality.

  • These are made early in the development process.

Example: Paper Prototypes.

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What is the advantage of a high fidelity prototype?


Provides detailed feedback

High Fidelity Prototypes

  • These are more complex, and closer to the final product.

  • They incorporate a high level of functionality.

  • These help collect accurate user feedback.

Example: Digital Prototypes made in Figma, Sketch and Adobe XD and Axure.

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Avi is designing an app. Which of these is a high fidelity prototype he could make?


An interactive Figma mockup

Next Steps

  • Identify some prototype samples you have created throughout your life.

  • Incorporate what you have learnt so far in the upcoming prototype you may create.

  • Share what you have learnt in this byte with others!

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What's a prototype you have created? Was it low or high fidelity?

Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash


The journey to a product involves...

Byte Author Uploaded Image Author/Copyright holder: Teo Yu Siang and Interaction Design Foundation.

Let's focus on Prototyping. A prototype is:

  • A simplified model of a proposed solution

  • Made cheaply and quickly

  • Used to test ideas

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Why Prototype?

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Ok, prototyping helps us develop the model deeper, but does it affect our budget?

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Prototyping helps reduce errors. This helps us avoid expensive mistakes late in the development process.


What is the purpose of prototyping?

Prototype Fidelity

Prototypes can be either high or low fidelity. This depends on how close to the final product they are.

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Rumie is a nonprofit community dedicated to making innovative learning free for everyone.

Low Fidelity Prototypes

  • These are easier to create because they are cheap and fast.

  • They have a low level of functionality.

  • These are made early in the development process.

Example: Paper Prototypes.

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What is the advantage of a high fidelity prototype?

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High Fidelity Prototypes

  • These are more complex, and closer to the final product.

  • They incorporate a high level of functionality.

  • These help collect accurate user feedback.

Example: Digital Prototypes made in Figma, Sketch and Adobe XD and Axure.

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Avi is designing an app. Which of these is a high fidelity prototype he could make?

Next Steps

  • Identify some prototype samples you have created throughout your life.

  • Incorporate what you have learnt so far in the upcoming prototype you may create.

  • Share what you have learnt in this byte with others!

Take Action


What's a prototype you have created? Was it low or high fidelity?

Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash


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Prototype Fidelity

Prototypes can be either high or low fidelity. This depends on how close to the final product they are.

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Did you know?

This Byte was created by a volunteer professional that wanted to share this insight to help you succeed - no agenda, no cost.

Low Fidelity Prototypes

  • These are easier to create because they are cheap and fast.

  • They have a low level of functionality.

  • These are made early in the development process.

Example: Paper Prototypes.

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What is the advantage of a high fidelity prototype?


Provides detailed feedback

High Fidelity Prototypes

  • These are more complex, and closer to the final product.

  • They incorporate a high level of functionality.

  • These help collect accurate user feedback.

Example: Digital Prototypes made in Figma, Sketch and Adobe XD and Axure.

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Avi is designing an app. Which of these is a high fidelity prototype he could make?


An interactive Figma mockup

Next Steps

  • Identify some prototype samples you have created throughout your life.

  • Incorporate what you have learnt so far in the upcoming prototype you may create.

  • Share what you have learnt in this byte with others!

Take Action


What's a prototype you have created? Was it low or high fidelity?

Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash

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