Lisa wants to enter the Citywide Crossword Puzzle Tournament.

So she enlists the help of...
The advice Will gave to Lisa will have you solving NYT crosswords like a pro!
Did you know?
Start Smart
NYT crosswords increase in difficulty throughout the week.
Whether you're a novice or expert puzzler, start with a Monday puzzle first before progressing to a later-week puzzle.
Monday puzzles are the easiest to solve of the week because the clues are straightforward.
Clue: Chocolate cookie with cream filling
Answer: Oreo
Saturday puzzles are filled with the most challenging clues and less direct answers
Clue: It has 12 flowers on each side
Answer: Oreo
Easy First Does It Best
Scan the clue list and pick out the easiest ones to solve first.
"Fill in the Blank" clues are usually the easiest to work out because they have a definite answer.
Clue: _____ of The Tiger
Answer: Eye
Trivia questions also have a definite answer and don't involve word play or logical deduction.
Clue: Actress Julia from the movie Steel Magnolias
Answer: Roberts
Find The Shorter Answers And Use Crosswordese
Look for short-answer words first as well.
Take a look at your crosswords grid to see what clues are short answers (three to five letter words). The shorter answers will be easier to fill in, as there are only a certain number of logical letter combinations that can fit into the spaces.
NYT crosswords love using certain words, aka "Crosswordese".
Take note of some of the frequently used words in NYT crosswords. These words are often three or four-letter words that are rarely used in everyday speech:
Iota, Arno, Elbe, Area, Ode, Aloe, Apse, Olio, Epee, Aga
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Read Between The Clues
Clues often tell you how an answer should be written. The answers will agree in some of the following ways:
If a clue is a particular verb tense, then the answer will be in that same tense.
Clue: Located [past tense]
Answer: Found
If a key word in the clue is plural, then the answer will also be a pluralized word.
Clue: Green fruits
Answer: Apples
Clues with a question mark
These clues tend to be a tricky play on words, with the answer usually being a pun or a misdirection.
Clue: Double Over?
Answer: Fold
If there is an abbreviation in the clue, then the answer will also be an abbreviation.
Clue: Opposite of NE
Answer: SW
A clue in quotes may mean that the answer is a title of a song, movie, or book.
For example, Clue: “Ooh, see that girl”
Answer: Dancing Queen
If part of a clue is in a foreign language, then your answer should be written in a foreign language.
Clue: Cat, en français
Answer: Chat
The clue is "Surprised". What should you do to find the answer?
Did you know?
Be On The Lookout For Rebuses And Homonyms
Some of the harder puzzles — particularly Thursday and Sunday crosswords — have a "surprise" element called a "rebus".
This means you'll enter your answer — which can be a word or a group of words — into a single square instead of across multiple squares.
In these examples, the word FAST is entered into a single square to make the following words: fasting, breakfast, and fastener.
Some puzzle clues use homonyms as a play on words.
Homonyms are two or more words that have the same spelling but different pronunciations and meanings.
Clue: One of them does
Answer: Deer
Give Yourself A Break
When you’re stuck on a puzzle, sometimes it’s best to put it aside for a while.
Clear your head in some way as you take a break from puzzle solving. This will help you refocus with fresh eyes and figure out the answers to clues that were previously a challenge.
Look It Up And Learn
When you're in doubt, look up the answers.
It’s also OK to look up an answer when you're stuck. Sometimes, you just need that one clue to avoid frustration and giving up.
Ultimately, crosswords are fun ways to learn a new word or phrase, or some interesting trivia.
Jerry is an avid NYT puzzler who finds this Saturday’s puzzle very challenging. What should he do?
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