

Take Action

Organizing for school doesn't have to be complicated! These strategies may be simple, but they are effective because they are easy to follow and don't require much effort. They are lifelong skills that you will use in school and your future career, so over time, you will develop a system that works best for you.

A student says, "I am so ready for this," after using strategies to stay organized for school.

Ready to level up your organization skills?


Are you getting lost in all of the work you need to do for school?

A student topples over a stack of papers after someone stacks one folder on top of his pile.

According to the University of Chicago, staying organized for school helps you prioritize your work and gives you control over your life.

If you feel overwhelmed or have a hard time keeping track of your work, focusing on key organization skills can help you do well in school.

#1: Establish a Routine

A routine is a set of steps you follow when you do something. For example, when you wake up, a part of your daily routine may be to brush your teeth. To stay organized for school, establish a routine to organize your day and keep your work in order.

A student organizes their day by filling out their agenda with sticky notes of priorities.

Creating and following a routine can keep you accountable for your work and help you develop good study habits. According to Mental Health America, routines simplify your goals by applying the same steps, regardless of the task.

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What routines will help me stay organized for school?

  • Wake up early. Getting to school on time will avoid the risk of being late or in a rush where you may forget something!

  • Complete your assignments on time. Do your homework immediately so that you don't forget. Be sure to prioritize tasks with a due date!

  • Prepare for the next school day the night before. Check to make sure your work is in your backpack. You don't want to leave your assignment on your desk!

  • Plan ahead for tests. If you know a test is coming up, schedule study days and times to meet with your teacher so that you have enough time to review.

#2: Use an Agenda or Planner

Agendas and planners are fantastic in helping you organize your day! They're portable reminders of the tasks you must complete and their due dates. Staying organized for school is as simple as jotting down notes and checking your planner daily.

A student writes "Conquer this year" in their planner.

Your agenda/planner doesn't have to be fancy! You can buy a dated agenda, use an app like Trello or go basic by using a notebook, calendar, or the notes app on your phone! Any format works as long as you use it regularly.

Flaticon Icon How can using an agenda or planner help me stay organized for school?

  • Keeps track of your assignments and activities. If a task or event pops up, writing it down will help you remember it.

  • Helps you prepare ahead of time. Knowing when assignments are due can help you plan to avoid rushing at the last minute. For example, if you know you have a test on Friday, you can schedule study sessions beforehand.

  • Improves time management by prioritizing tasks. Organizing activities and events by their times and deadlines will help you avoid conflicts in your schedule. For example, if you know you have a soccer game on Thursday at 5 PM, you know that you shouldn't schedule any big events before or during that time.

Did you know?

Using an agenda isn't just a resource for students. Adults and professionals use it in their everyday lives! According to ECAL, 70% of people rely on some kind of planner to organize their lives, so it's a tool that lasts a lifetime!

#3: Organize by Subject

Arranging your work by subject is a quick and effective way to organize your schoolwork. It's intuitive, so you can quickly and effectively access the information you need without much thought! A student organizes her binder.

Flaticon Icon How would organizing my work based on subjects help me in school?

  • Reduces the amount of time searching for work. Designating a specific folder or notebook for one subject avoids the stress of digging through different places to find what you need. A cool hack is to use a specific color for a subject so that at a glance, you know what you are looking for (ex. science content is labeled green).

  • Centralizes all of the information for one class. Everything you need for that class will be in one place, so you will have better access to the information you need. This is helpful when you need to study!

  • Encourages deeper organization. You can organize within that subject based on units and topics! For example, in a science binder, you can categorize your work based on the chapters of the textbook.

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Alvin is struggling to catch up in school. He has no issues studying, but he often overbooks his schedule. While studying for his math test, he forgot about his football practice! He needs to learn how to stay organized for school.

Which organizational strategy would best help Alvin stay on track with his work?

A. Using only red notebooks for math so that he can more quickly retrieve his math work.

B. Using an agenda so he can organize his events to manage his time more wisely.

C. Setting up a routine to do homework immediately after school.

D. Establishing a routine where he can only go to football practice after he completes his homework.


Which organizational strategy would best help Alvin stay on track with his work?

Take Action

Organizing for school doesn't have to be complicated! These strategies may be simple, but they are effective because they are easy to follow and don't require much effort. They are lifelong skills that you will use in school and your future career, so over time, you will develop a system that works best for you.

A student says, "I am so ready for this," after using strategies to stay organized for school.

Ready to level up your organization skills?


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Take Action

Organizing for school doesn't have to be complicated! These strategies may be simple, but they are effective because they are easy to follow and don't require much effort. They are lifelong skills that you will use in school and your future career, so over time, you will develop a system that works best for you.

A student says, "I am so ready for this," after using strategies to stay organized for school.

Ready to level up your organization skills?

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