In these times, the word "inclusion" has become trendy. But, what does inclusion mean, and how can companies promote inclusion in the workplace?
Inclusion is defined as "the act of including; the state of being included."
In an inclusive workplace, all employees are given the necessary resources and support they need to be the best they can be in their careers.
For example, if an employee with adisability faces barriers to career advancement, companies can take specific steps to remove the barriers and accommodate their needs.
Ask yourself these 3 questions to see if your team has made workplace inclusion a priority.
1. Does your team celebrate diversity?
Workplace celebrations that recognize diversity are ways companies can bring teams together.
In addition to celebrating workers’ birthdays, promotions, and workplace anniversaries, companies can and should celebrate cultural occasions. This recognizes and honors employees' dignity.
Some cultural celebrations that promote an inclusive workplace include:

Celebrating workplace diversity allows employees to learn and appreciate other team members. Additionally, these occasions can bring team members together and create a strong bond between them.
A company has traditionally always held a Thanksgiving celebration with turkey and all the fixings. Over the years, the workplace has become more diverse. How can they expand the celebration to be more inclusive? Select all that apply.
2. Does your team provide the right access to resources?
Employees should have equal access to resources that will help them thrive in the workplace. Resources should be adapted so that they are inclusive. For instance, they can be available in different languages and include accessibility features such as alternative text (aka "alt text").
Some examples of resources are:
comprehensive training
company policies
health and wellness benefits

By having the right access to resources, employees can focus on their input and use their strengths to benefit the business.
Did you know?
Diverse management boosts revenue by 19%. A Boston Consulting Group study looked at companies with diverse management teams and found that, on average, they enjoyed a 19% increase in revenue compared to their less diverse counterparts as of 2018.
3. Does your team provide accommodations for all members?
Providing accommodations for employees will improve their productivity and morale.
Some examples of accommodations are:
gender-neutral and accessible bathrooms
multi-faith prayer rooms
nursing rooms for new parents

These accommodations will contribute to increased employee satisfaction and positively impact business results.
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Inclusion is highly important for a successful the workplace. Look into some of the steps that you can take to help create a more inclusive workplace.
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