Do you get easily distracted when completing large tasks?
The Pomodoro Technique combines:
focused work sessions
frequent short breaks
This makes large tasks more manageable and helps you get more done.
Set A Timer
Choose a task from your to-do list and set a timer for 25 minutes.
Tip: Split larger tasks into smaller tasks that you can complete in 2 hours or less.
Which task should you break down into smaller tasks?
Focus Session
Work without interruptions on a single task until the timer rings.
Tip: Combine small related tasks into one session, such as paying multiple bills.
Short Break
When the timer rings after 25 minutes, enjoy a 5 minute break.
Go to the restroom, refill your drink, or do a little dancing.
Congratulations! You completed one Pomodoro! Now do it again.
Add a check mark next to the task after you complete a Pomodoro.
Which of these tasks could you complete in two Pomodoros (50 minutes)
Longer Break
After four Pomodoros, take a longer 15-30 minutes break.
This is the perfect time to get a snack, go for a walk, or meditate.
Take Action
Next time you have a large task and don't know where to start, try the Pomodoro Technique.
Try It!
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