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The new house on the corner
The bridge repair on the highway
The expanded city park
The new mine in the mountains
The updated map of the shoreline
Before these things could ever be built, land surveyors had to give their stamp of approval!
What do land surveyors do?
Check out the video below for more details:
Day to Day
You would use specialized GPS measuring instruments to conduct fieldwork. Your work locations might include:
Construction sites
Deep wilderness
Underwater landscapes (!)
After your fieldwork, you use computer software to analyze your measurements. You may also work with geographic information systems (GIS) software to produce more detailed analyses of the land you’re studying.
You may do this computer work at a mobile field office or a permanent office location.
Who Uses Surveying Results?
You’re taking measurements for a company or government entity, so next, you report your findings to them. They may need to answer questions like:
Where are the property lines?
Where is it safe to build?
Qualifying to be a Surveyor
Education & Training
In the US and Canada, you'd need a surveyor's license or certificate. The requirements for this credential vary by location, but in general, they include:
A bachelor’s degree in a related subject
Work experience under a licensed surveyor (apprenticeship/articling)
Passing exams
Once you get your surveyor's license, you can also expect to complete continuing education to maintain your credential.
Skills & Personality Fit
Consider the following people:
Alex has a degree in mechanical engineering but prefers leading hiking trips over being stuck in an office every day.
Blair did well in mathematics and science in school and wants a consistent, predictable 9-to-5 job.
Courtney enjoys hands-on building projects, but not the careful planning they sometimes involve.
Dylan manages a retail store but wants to move into the growing local construction industry.
For which people might surveying be a good career move?
Of the four, Alex and Dylan are best suited for surveying. Surveying often requires fieldwork in rugged terrain. It also requires the kind of communication skills that a hiking group or store manager uses. An engineering degree likely includes applicable skills in mathematics, visualization, and problem-solving, while retail management involves planning, mathematical work, and problem-solving. Both Alex and Dylan would still need to check local licensing qualifications. While Blair and Courtney have some qualities that overlap with surveying, Blair wants a less varied work environment, and Courtney dislikes focusing on details.
Job Outlook
Average Salaries
Did you know?
In the US, the leader of a surveying team is called a party chief. Imagine that title on your business card!
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This Byte has been authored by
Elisabeth Lorenc
Instructional Designer