Ren from Ren & Stimpy shakes and sweats.

You're sweating, your mind is blank, and you feel like throwing up. This accurately describes how I've felt before many job interviews. Not only was it unpleasant, I knew I wasn't bringing my best self forward.

Have you ever felt like this before a job interview? These tips will show you how to how you can boost your self confidence before doing that job interview.

Feel More Self-confident with Box Breathing

Box breathing is a breathing technique. It can heighten performance and concentration while also being a powerful stress reliever.

— Healthline

To practice box breathing:

  1. Exhale slowly and release all the air from your lungs.

  2. Inhale through your nose and slowly count to four.

  3. Hold your breath for a count of four.

  4. Exhale and count to four.

  5. Hold your breath again for a count of four.

  6. Repeat steps 1-5 until you start to feel more relaxed.

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I've found it useful to box breath before I go into an interview or when I have to make a presentation.

Learn more about how you can boost your confidence with box breathing.

Feel More Self-confident with a Mantra

A happy man is dancing, while money gently falls around him. The text reads:

Talking to yourself can also be useful when you need to help yourself through a tough moment. For example, at a job interview, having a personal mantra can help you feel strong and capable.

A personal mantra I 've used to feel more self-confident is:


I've used it standing in front of the mirror, in an elevator (you can say it in your head!), and even as I am walking through the door of the interview room.

We all possess extraordinary inner powers that set us apart. We have our own talents and skills, and each of us has unique life experiences. Sometimes, we need a little help to discover and harness our power.

Learn more about how you can boost your self confidence with mantras.

Prepare Before Your Interview

A woman is sitting with a laptop smiling. Beside her is a cup. Photo by The Jopwell Collection on Unsplash

Being prepared will make you feel more confident in the interview.

  • Get to know more about the industry or product. Read articles from major newspapers or magazines.

  • Read about the company. Go on the website and look at any posts about recent events or awards.

  • Rehearse common job interview questions. Do this with a friend or in front of a mirror.

Learn more about how you can boost your self confidence with interview preparation.

Interview Day

Set yourself up for success:

  • Wake up early. You don't want to feel rushed or panicked.

  • Eat something nutritious. Being fueled will give you energy.

  • Dress appropriately. Dress for the role you want.

  • Arrive early. If online, sign into the call link early, have your charger handy, and set up in a quiet space.

  • Calm yourself by using breathing techniques. Being calm will allow you to be the best you!

  • Boost yourself with a mantra. Feel confident to project confidence.

The video below has a few more tips from recruiter Emily Durham:

Eve's Scenerio

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This is Eve. She has been looking for a job for 6 months. She has a good education, dresses well, and is usually fairly confident. She gets interviews but has not landed a job. She is getting worried. The last interview Eve had was pretty typical: She arrived early, had on her best suit, and was armed with some background on the company.

As soon as she sat down, Eve began to feel sweaty and light-headed. The panel started asking questions, and the feelings got worse. Eve couldn't answer the questions well and sometimes she struggled to understand what the panel was asking her. Eve didn't get the job...again.


What is the best advice for Eve to enter the room confidently? Select all that apply:

Take Action

Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash

Now you know a few ways to boost your self-confidence before your next job interview!


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