Phone updates always cause ripples in people's lives but this latest Apple update is creating waves by drawing attention to how many apps collect user information to make money!

iOS 14.5 is here: How to download and install it on your iPhone and iPad  right now - CNET

Why should you care? Let's find out!

Battle Between Facebook And Apple

Larger impacts of the Apple iOS 14.5 software update:


  • Privacy is a selling feature for Apple products

  • People should have to option to not be tracked


  • These changes will force companies to charge for apps

  • People on average don't choose to be tracked

App Data Collection

Did you know that companies are collecting your data even when you aren't using their apps?

Check the privacy guideline below which you can find under the "Your Facebook Information" tab in the Facebook Settings.

Byte Author Uploaded Image It's not just Facebook. Most apps and websites collect our data in a similar way.

How Is Our Personal Data Being Used?

Most of the time, companies use our personal information to show us targeted advertisements.

Most free websites aren't actually free! They earn money by selling our information to the advertising agencies.

Byte Author Uploaded Image


Which of these apps collect your personal data?

Take Action

Person holding phone Photo by Plann on Unsplash

Take steps today to protect your personal data!


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