You finally finished writing your research paper that is due at midnight. The only step left to complete this assignment is a cover page...but what does a Chicago style cover pagelook like?

A woman shows a stack of papers and shouts,

Just like any other citation style, Chicago has its own rules. But there is no need to be overwhelmed!

What is Chicago style?

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A citation style is a set of guidelines for formatting and organizing references in academic settings.

The Chicago style is the preferred citation and style guide used in disciplines such as history, philosophy, religion, and the arts.

According to Chicago set of guidelines, a cover page is required for all research papers.

How to create a Chicago style cover page

Sample Chicago style cover page with numbers to signify the steps mentioned by the text beside.

  1. Center the title, a third of the way down the page.

  2. Double space each line on the title page, including the title.

  3. Your name, course information, professor's name, and date should follow a few lines after the title.

Make sure to:

Test your skills

A student attempted a Chicago style cover page with their research paper assignment.

A sample title page. At the top: page number and title. Below: the writer's name, and course info.

What feedback would you give them?

A. The title should be a third of the way down the page.

B. The title page should include the date.

C. The title page should not include course information.

D. You should remove the page numbers.


What would you suggest to the student? Select all that apply:

Take Action

Now that you learned how to create a Chicago style cover page, go submit that paper!

Penguins sitting on classroom tables throw papers up in the air and shout

Here are some suggestions to help you further:


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This Byte helped me better understand the topic.