
might find AI generated context

Did you know?

Alan Turing introduced a practical test for computer intelligence, but the first successful AI program was written by Christopher Strachey in 1951.


Results of Trials

Woman saying, "You can't argue with results."

After copying and pasting text from my AI-generated essay:


GPTZero said that it was most likely written by a human. However, when I uploaded my copied essay as a Word document, GPTZero told me that parts may have been written by an AI.


Copyleaks said that AI content had been detected. Using the document uploader took a little longer, but the results were more detailed. It gave percentages, highlighted questionable material, and listed results to the side. The results were also downloadable.


Contentdetector.ai said that my essay was most likely written by a human. It did give a probability of AI content rating of 42.5%. It also highlighted questionable text within the copied text.


Crossplagsaid the text I entered was mostly written by AI and gave 100% rating for plagiarism.

Did you know?

When asked why AI detectors aren't reliable, ChatGPT gave this response.

What's the Verdict?

Judge Judy looks at a laptop screen.

These 4 ChatGPT detectors might not be a reliable source for detecting AI-generated materials.

Why not?

ChatGPT detectors were created to flag such things as repetitive language, probability of word choice, and tone. If a piece of writing is very well written, these detectors may flag it as AI-generated and vice versa. Partly written AI-generated text may also go unnoticed.

Take Action

A teacher points at her students and says, "Pay attention!"


ChatGPT and other AI tools are a student's godsend! Providing ways to write essays and topics has never been easier. Just type in a thought and tell ChatGPT to get writing.

Computer screen with ChatGPT writing information

On the other hand, these tools can be a teacher's nightmare! Essay writing is meant for students to think critically and express their thoughts about a topic or an idea. AI tools defeat this purpose by removing the human element.

What's a teacher to do? Use a ChatGPT detector, of course!

I put 4 ChatGPT detectors to the test:

Flaticon Icon

GPT Zero

Flaticon Icon


Flaticon Icon


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ChatGPT Detectors

A lie detector test.

I created a ChaptGPT essay to test these AI detectors' abilityto recognize AI-generated content.

Flaticon Icon GPTZero

Created by Edward Tian

in December 2022 while attending Princeton University, GPTZero analyzes writing patterns through syntax and sentence lengths to identify AI-generated texts.


  • Can upload a document for detection

  • Can copy and paste text


  • May not completely detect AI-generated text

Flaticon Icon Copyleaks

Copyleaks was created for finding and detecting plagiarized content by comparing text against other sources by Yehonatan Bitton and fellow military veteran Alon Yamin, after realizing his company's website was being plagiarized.


  • Has a Chrome extension

  • Detects AI mixed with human text

  • Detects through an LMS (learning management system)


  • May take longer for the system to check for plagiarism

  • Enterprise or Educational Institute are paid versions

Flaticon Icon Contentdetector.ai

This tool detects most AI written content using algorithms and technology and provides a percentage score of how artificial the content is.


  • Has a word count tool


  • May not completely detect AI-generated text

Flaticon Icon Crossplag

Besart Kunushevci built Crossplag for checking cross-lingual plagiarism.


  • Check documents in Word, PDF, or Rich Text


  • Free version only checks up to 1,000 words


AI detectors:

Did you know?

Alan Turing introduced a practical test for computer intelligence, but the first successful AI program was written by Christopher Strachey in 1951.

Results of Trials

Woman saying, "You can't argue with results."

After copying and pasting text from my AI-generated essay:


GPTZero said that it was most likely written by a human. However, when I uploaded my copied essay as a Word document, GPTZero told me that parts may have been written by an AI.


Copyleaks said that AI content had been detected. Using the document uploader took a little longer, but the results were more detailed. It gave percentages, highlighted questionable material, and listed results to the side. The results were also downloadable.


Contentdetector.ai said that my essay was most likely written by a human. It did give a probability of AI content rating of 42.5%. It also highlighted questionable text within the copied text.


Crossplagsaid the text I entered was mostly written by AI and gave 100% rating for plagiarism.

Did you know?

When asked why AI detectors aren't reliable, ChatGPT gave this response.

What's the Verdict?

Judge Judy looks at a laptop screen.

These 4 ChatGPT detectors might not be a reliable source for detecting AI-generated materials.

Why not?

ChatGPT detectors were created to flag such things as repetitive language, probability of word choice, and tone. If a piece of writing is very well written, these detectors may flag it as AI-generated and vice versa. Partly written AI-generated text may also go unnoticed.

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A teacher points at her students and says, "Pay attention!"


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Did you know?

Alan Turing introduced a practical test for computer intelligence, but the first successful AI program was written by Christopher Strachey in 1951.


Results of Trials

Woman saying, "You can't argue with results."

After copying and pasting text from my AI-generated essay:


GPTZero said that it was most likely written by a human. However, when I uploaded my copied essay as a Word document, GPTZero told me that parts may have been written by an AI.


Copyleaks said that AI content had been detected. Using the document uploader took a little longer, but the results were more detailed. It gave percentages, highlighted questionable material, and listed results to the side. The results were also downloadable.


Contentdetector.ai said that my essay was most likely written by a human. It did give a probability of AI content rating of 42.5%. It also highlighted questionable text within the copied text.


Crossplagsaid the text I entered was mostly written by AI and gave 100% rating for plagiarism.

Did you know?

When asked why AI detectors aren't reliable, ChatGPT gave this response.

What's the Verdict?

Judge Judy looks at a laptop screen.

These 4 ChatGPT detectors might not be a reliable source for detecting AI-generated materials.

Why not?

ChatGPT detectors were created to flag such things as repetitive language, probability of word choice, and tone. If a piece of writing is very well written, these detectors may flag it as AI-generated and vice versa. Partly written AI-generated text may also go unnoticed.

Take Action

A teacher points at her students and says, "Pay attention!"

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