Have you tried, but failed, to keep up with current events?

Even with your busy schedule, it’s very important that you keep yourself informed on what’s going on around you.

Kourtney Kardashian looks down on her phone, blows raspberries and says

Where do you start? What do you follow?

This can be overwhelming as there are so many choices.

Nene Leakes says

It's a lot easier to stay up-to-date with local, national, and global events when you pick a few strategies that work best for you!

Set A News Website As Your Homepage

Having news websites like Google and MSN news as your homepage can keep you informed of the latest news and events from multiple sources.

Change your homepage to a website that shows local and international news every time you open your browser. Chances are that once a headline catches your eye, you'll click and scan the accompanying article.

Find Balanced News Sources

Breaking News

Select local and international news sources that report facts with balanced points of view and in an accurate context.

News outlets like USA Today, Associated Press, and Reuters broadcast facts using neutral and unprovocative language. They're also free from government and corporate censorship. 

This short video provides tips on how to choose your news sources:

Use A News Aggregator

News-filtering apps like Flipboard, Feedly, and Google Currents gather local and international news and other events.

When you download the app, you can curate news and events from sources of your choice. This makes for easy browsing and viewing of current information.  


Jennifer is a Jamaican living in Canada. She wants to keep up with the daily news from both countries in one place. What can she do?

Download News Sources To Your Phone

Many local and international news outlets have apps for mobile phones.

BBC, The Wall Street Journal, and NPR are just a few of the many news sources that have mobile apps.

Not only are the apps free, but the're compatible with both Android and iOS phones. That way, you can easily read/listen to the news on the go.

Subscribe To Newsletters

Get a summary of your preferred local and international news sources sent to your email as a newsletter.

The New York Times and The Week are two news outlets that offer free daily and weekly summaries of current stories and events. This is a simple way to get all of the latest stories in one place.

Listen To Podcasts

Maya Rudolph says to Ted Danson

Subscribe to a podcast to get daily summaries of local and international news stories and events.

Whether you're on your way to work or exercising at the gym, listening to a podcast is a great way to stay informed in 12-30 minute segments without having to read the news.

Popular news podcasts include Sky News Daily, PBS News Hours, and CBC Listen.


Nigel takes a 30-minute ride home from work by train each day. What can he do to catch up on day's news?

Follow News Outlets On Social Media

Follow your favorite news outlets on platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

These platforms provide a summary of the day’s top news stories and events as well as links to the articles to read more. 

Take Action

Kourtney Kardashian says, with her hand by her hip


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