Are you looking to expand your professional network but are working from home? Hope is not lost!

Networking is more important for your career than ever before. While doing it virtually is different from networking in person and poses its own challenges, it's definitely possible! Phone Call Networking GIF by Insecure on HBO

Before An Event

Curate your online presence. Make sure you appear professional and your posts and comments align with your goals.

Photo by Ruthson Zimmerman on Unsplash Photo by Ruthson Zimmerman on Unsplash

Research the topic and presenter. Prepare some questions to ask. school shut up GIF

Get ready to focus. It can be hard not to multi-task during webinars, but wrapping up tasks, clearing your desk, and minimizing screen distractions will keep you focused on the event. desk GIF


Which would NOT be an effective use of your time during an online event?

During An Event

Make the first move. If there's a chat or social media stream introduce yourself with your name, title or industry, and location. Respond to others' introductions to start making connections. Little Boy Reaction GIF by Children's Miracle Network Hospitals

Participate often. Ask those questions you prepared, respond to others' comments, and use the event's hashtags on social media. Text Chat GIF by Iliza

After An Event

Reach out! Connect with other participants on LinkedIn.

In your connection request break the ice and jog their memory: mention a conversation you had, a question or comment you found interesting, or a big idea you got from the event. Acid Yes GIF by Manifest Destiny Down: SPACETIME


What would be a good message to send when connecting with participants?

Take Action

Don't be shy! You'd be surprised where it could lead. austin powers hello GIF

Sign up for an online networking event today, and don't forget to:


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