Feel like you need a fresh perspective?
Exploring the strengths of autistic people offers just that, shining on the incredible contributions they make every day.
These empowering quotes highlight the beauty of neurodiversity and remind us why celebrating different viewpoints enriches our lives!
Quiz Time!
Jay is autistic.
Which of the following quotes would he tell you about being autistic? Select all that apply:
A. "My brain works differently, and that makes me unique."
B. "All autistic people have the same experiences, so we all think and feel the same way."
C. "I have special talents that make me shine in certain areas."
D. "I may face challenges, but I can find my own way to succeed."
Which of the above quotes would Jay tell you? Select all that apply:
Take Action
The strengths and unique perspectives of autistic people inspire us to reimagine what inclusivity can look like. By embracing neurodiversity, we foster a society that celebrates all kinds of strengths and contributions. Supporting neurodiverse voices helps us create a world that values and learns from every person!
For further inspiration, read: How do I leverage my autism traits to build on my strengths?
Check out some sites with personal stories from autistic individuals:
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