Did you know that 85% of hiring professionals read cover letters?

Man shaking a peson's hand. I like your style sir, you're hired

Hiring professionals are busy people. You want to make sure your cover letter introduction is:

  • brief

  • focuses on the company's needs

  • demonstrates your enthusiasm for the job you are applying for!

The Greeting

The greeting is the first sentence the hiring manager will read. You want to make a good impression.

Flaticon Icon Begin with a personalized greeting:

  • Dear Ms. Emily Jackson

  • Dear Ms. Jackson

  • Dear Dr. Harper

  • Dear Professor Orion Reyes

Flaticon Icon You should avoid using these phrases:

  • To Whom It May Concern

  • Dear Sir

  • Dear Madame

  • Mrs. (avoid assuming they're married)

Don't Know The Hiring Manager's Name?

The hiring manager's name may not be stated in the job posting. In this case, you should make the effort to locate their name. This will show your care and attention to detail.

Still can't find it? Then open with "Dear Hiring Manager".

Check out this Byte, How do I find the hiring manager's name for a cover letter?

Girl looking through a magnifying glass

Want To Get Noticed?

Don't overlook the basics:

  • State your name and the position you're applying for

    My name is Bre Liliac and I am extremely interested in the Senior Developer position with Hooli.

  • State where you located the job posting

    The Senior Developer position was posted through my network on LinkedIn.

  • Highlight a mutual connection (if it applies)

    I was excited to learn of this job opportunity from my former colleague, AJ Lee. He and I worked closely together on data analysis project.

    Man in a crowd with people who look like him, turns around.

Beyond The Basics

Decide the best way to briefly convey enthusiasm for the job.

  • Share an impressive accomplishment

    As coordinator at ABCco, I have increased my group's output by 37% over the past 5 months.

  • Demonstrate what you can do for the company

    I was eager to apply to this role when I saw that you are looking for a Project Lead who can increase sales. With my degree in commerce and 5 years of experience, I believe I am the right candidate for this position.

  • Share an impactful belief that mirrors the company's values and mission

    As a teacher, I believe every student deserves individualized learning plans.

Woman wearing a white blazer mouthing the words


Jose is applying for a job as career counselor. Which statement best highlights his accomplishments?

Take Action

Cartoon figure hold sword and shield. Man sitting on floor. Sign

Ready to write your cover letter? Check out these Bytes to help you!


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