How do you express and receive love? 😍 😘

Do you like cooking for your friends? 👨‍🍳 🥘

Are you the type who loves to spend time with your loved one? 🕐 ❤️

Do you like hearing praise? 🤓 👏

All of these refer to love languages developed by Dr. Gary Chapman . Discover which love language suits you and your partner!

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1. Words of Affirmation

Dexter meme with text that says

If this and other verbal expressions make you feel loved or you love saying them to people, then words of affirmation might be your love language.

If your loved one seeks words of affirmation...

  • Encourage them

  • Recognize their efforts

  • Empathize during hard times

  • Listen actively in conversations

  • Remind them of their importance


  • Ignoring their effort

  • Lack of encouragement during difficult times

  • Saying harsh words when you're upset

  • Lack of communication when they speak

  • Not reminding them of your love


Your loved one feels stressed because they have an upcoming final exam. What should you NOT tell them?

2. Acts of Service

Mulan and Mushu from the movie

Actions speak louder than words!

Asking your friend or loved one if you can help with a task or run errands not only eases their burden but also makes them feel loved.

Make your partner feel appreciated by...

  • Helping with cooking and other small tasks

  • Assisting them with challenging tasks

  • Planning date nights


  • Going back on promises to help

  • Disregarding requests for help

  • Lacking follow-through on tasks

3. Quality Time

Two koalas on a branch drinking tea. The text reads

This love language means giving undivided attention to your loved one. Because they enjoy doing things with the people they love, it's important to devote your time to each other and free yourselves from any distractions.

If your loved one loves spending time together...

  • Goon date nights, trips, and walks

  • Have deep conversations


  • Canceling plans like date nights

  • Disregarding shared activities

  • Getting distracted when together

4. Physical Touch

Sailor Moon running to hug Sailor Mercury

Did you know that hugging releases "feel-good hormones" called oxytocin?

There's no better way to express your love than through physical touch! Some people feel more connected and appreciated through intimacy.


  • Give hugs often

  • Give back rubs

  • Hold hands with each other


  • Forget to embrace your partner back

  • Draw attention to their physical flaws

  • Force them to show public displays of affection (PDAs)


You want to show your love by physical touch but your partner doesn't want any physical contact right now. What should you do?

5. Receiving Gifts

A woman holding up a gift box Photo by Kira auf der Heide on Unsplash

A thoughtful present for your loved ones can make them feel special. Giving gifts on birthdays or anniversaries will surely make them feel appreciated, but frequent, small gestures like buying a bouquet of flowers or going on a spontaneous date are also little reminders of your love for them.

Let them know you love them by:

  • Giving a gift you think they'd like to receive

  • Bringing them their favorite snack or treat


  • Giving a gift that is meaningless to them

  • Failing to give a gift on special occasions

Take Action

There are so many ways to show and receive love. But you don't need to stick to one love language. Your unique way of loving someone can be a mix of any of these!

Leonardo Di Carpio meme. Text says

Express and receive love.


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