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Do you get stressed easily when things don’t go your way?
Maybe you feel overwhelmed by your problems.
How do some people face the most difficult situations in life with a calm and upbeat attitude?
Emotional Resilience Is The Key
Being emotionally resilientmeans that you can adapt to difficult circumstances, grow from them, and even improve your life along the way.
Did you know?
How To Build Emotional Resilience?
Change is inevitable, so accept and acknowledge it without becoming paralyzed by fear.
Be optimistic about life and practice seeing the opportunity in every challenge.
Have Support Systems Around You
Form connections and build a sense of community with colleagues, neighbors and friends. Eg; sports, hobbies, religious and community groups.
Our personal resilience and strength is built from the web of our relationships and connections with other people.
Did you know?
Self Care Is Vital
Be mindful of your thoughts,especially those that influence your behavior.
Remember to keep a sense of humor about life and in particular, laugh at yourself!
Mila's boyfriend broke up with her. What step would help Mila improve her emotional resilience?
Mila should focus on healing herself - this means feeling her feelings and focusing on self care. The other options are short term coping mechanisms that may lead to more issues later.
This Byte has been authored by
Chitra Krishnan
Lifelong Learner
This Byte has been reviewed by
Lana Do