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What do hopscotch, temperature, and bank accounts all have in common? They all use types of numbers to express information.

A laptop and a paper next to it with a the numbers 41., 03220, 0, 28.982670 on a table.Photo by Volkan Olmez on Unsplash

Why does that matter? ❔❓

We use different types of numbers to express different things. πŸ”’

Understanding the differences between whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, and irrational numbers will help to express yourself numerically in the real world.

What are numbers and different number types?

Stephan Curry at a basketball game counting to 4 using his fingers.

We use numbers to count money, keep track of scores in a sports game, track dates and time, and manage finances. But...

Flaticon Icon

What exactly is a number in math?

"A number is an arithmetic value used for representing the quantity and used in making calculations." In other words, it's a value that shows an amount of something.

Flaticon Icon

Why are there different types of numbers?

Numbers have different properties or characteristics, and are in different places on the number line. Their placement and properties can be put into different categories or groups to help us understand them.

Two number lines (audio description below).To hear an audio description of the number lines above, click the play button on the audio player below:

Flaticon IconWhat are examples of number types?

  • whole numbers

  • integers

  • rational

  • irrational

Did you know?

There are different number systems. This Byte refers to the decimal system which uses the ten digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. The binary system, for example, only uses two digits: 0 and 1.

What are whole numbers?

Flaticon IconWhole numbers are the positive numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...and so on, without any decimals or fraction parts.

A woman with the words easy as and then a hand holding up the number 1, 2 and 3 on an animated hand.

Flaticon IconExamples:

  • 3

  • 10

  • 104

  • 3,206

  • 1,000,005

Flaticon IconWhole numbers in the real world:

  • $36 in my bank accountπŸ’²

  • 0ΒΊ Celsius or 32ΒΊ Fahrenheit today ❄

  • 2 miles from home to school πŸš—πŸ«

Did you know?

Counting numbers are whole numbers, but without zero because you can't "count" zero.

What are integers?

Flaticon IconIntegers are the positive and negative numbers without any decimals or fraction parts. They also include zero.

Number line highlighting the positive and negative numbers.

Flaticon IconExamples:

  • -100

  • 203

  • -5

  • 30,000

  • 0

Flaticon IconIntegers in the real world:

  • -$0.45 in my bank account. Looks like an overdraft! πŸ™€

  • -15ΒΊ Celsius or 5ΒΊ Fahrenheit today πŸ₯Ά

  • 25 miles from home to the theater πŸš—πŸŽ­

What are rational numbers?

Flaticon IconRational numbers can be made by dividing an integer by another integer. They can be written as integers and fractions. They can also be written as terminating (or stopping) decimals and repeating decimals.

Note: If the decimal can be rewritten as a fraction, then the decimal is rational.

1.5 is a rational number because 1.5=3/2 (3 and 2 are both integers) 1.5=3/2 a ratioMathisFun

🌟 Bonus: You can see the word "ratio" in rational numbers. A ratio compares one thing to another and can be written like 3 to 2, 3:2, and 3/2.

Flaticon IconExamples:

  • -1.55555...(with a repeating 5)

  • 4/5

  • 6 5/6

  • -100 7/20

  • 4.56789

Flaticon IconRational numbers in the real world:

  • $8,236.55 in my bank account. Been saving! 🏦

  • 32.777...ΒΊ Celsius or 91ΒΊ Fahrenheit today πŸ˜ŽπŸ–

  • Only 1 and 3/4 miles from home to the park 🚲🌳

What are irrational numbers?

Flaticon IconIrrational numbers are non-terminating decimals without a pattern. This means that they continue on and on without end. Also, the key is that they don't have a repeating pattern.

They're usually found in a form that includes a mathematical symbol, like Ο€ (pi), or √ (square root). These numbers aren't from a ratio or fraction.

The symbol for pi with pi written to many places.

Flaticon IconExamples:

  • Ο€ β€” starts with 3.1415926535 but keeps going and going

  • √2 β€” starts with 1.4142135623 but keeps going and going

  • √21 β€” starts with 4.5825756949 but keeps going and going

  • e β€” Euler's number, starts with 2.7182818284 but keeps going and going

  • Ο• β€” The Golden Ratio, starts with 1.618033988749 but keeps going and going

Flaticon IconIrrational numbers in the real world:

These are hard to spot in the real world but are used in interest with money, construction with circular objects, and design/engineering with precise calculations.

Did you know?

The Golden Ratio, "estimated to be the ratio 1 to 1.6 contributes to Fibonacci's Golden Spiral." This spiral can be seen in nature "in pinecones, sunflowers, galaxies, seeds in berries," and more.

What type of number is it?

Numbers can be one type or multiple types.

Marge asking Lisa Simpson, 'what's that number?' while in the living room.

Flaticon Icon2 is a whole number, an integer, and a rational number while 9.7 is only a rational number.

Flaticon IconCheck out this table for more examples:

1.2 rational; -29 1/2 rational; 460 whole integer rational; √7 irrational; √9 whole, integer, rational; -20 integer, rational

Square Root Special Note:

In the example √9, the square root of 9 is 3 (because 3 times 3 is 9) and 3 is a whole number, an integer, and a rational number. However, √7 is approximately 2.6457513110 but continues on (non-terminating) without a pattern so is irrational.


What type of number is 81? Select all that apply:

Take Action

Now that you know about the types of numbers, there's no limit to what you can do in math!

Athlete holding a sign with the word 'try' above his head moving from side to side.

Check out these Bytes and other resources to see what else you can do with numbers:


This Byte has been authored by


Theresa Dwulit

Learning Designer



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