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Do you use the terms "team" and "group" interchangeably? You're not alone, who thinks there is no difference between group and team!

So, what's the difference between a group and a team? It may come as a surprise to learn that there is actually a difference and making the distinction is important!

So What's The Difference Between Group and Team?

A team is composed of members who are linked by one or more common goals and shared accountability.

Teamwork makes the dream work: difference between group and teamAll for one, and one for all!

A group is a collection of individuals who each contribute and interact with each other to achieve a larger goal.

group members act as individuals: difference between group and teamLet's get the job done!

Group vs Team: What Differentiates These Two?

Im Just Sayin No Idea GIF by Rooster Teeth: difference between group and team

Flaticon Icon: group vs teamQualities of a team

  • Can have multiple or rotating leaders

  • Team members share responsibility for the final outcome

  • Focus is achieving collective goals

  • Members contribute to collective work products

  • The team discusses a problem, decides on a solution, and works on the solution collectively

  • Team members are interdependent

Flaticon Icon: group vs teamQualities of a group

  • Has only one designated leader

  • Group members do not share responsibility for the final outcome

  • Focus is achieving individual goals

  • Members produce individual work products

  • The group discusses a problem, decides on a solution, and delegates tasks to individual group members

  • Group members are independent


You are a fashion designer and you have a project where you need to design 5 outfits for a runway show, 3 outfits for special guests of your design house and an outfit for yourself for the final walk. Which of these will serve you best?

Did you know?

This Byte was created by a volunteer professional that wanted to share this insight to help you succeed - no agenda, no cost.

The Difference Between a Group and a Team: Similarities

Season 4 Group GIF by Friends

Qualities of both teams and groups

  • At least 2 people

  • Members need to interact

  • Thrive with face-to-face interaction

  • Focus on the achievement of an objective

  • Need leadership to operate

  • Are built on a foundation of sharing of information and resources

Both are valuable and necessary depending on the situation at hand!


A _____ is a collection of people working to achieve a goal.

Take Action

This could be you and your group or team:You can win championships with either a group or a team!!!

Challenge yourself, and identify the difference between group vs team! The next time you need to work with others to solve a problem or achieve something:


This Byte has been authored by


Damilola Odubanjo

Learning and Development Associate
