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Have you ever wondered how some people can accomplish all they set out to do and you cannot?
Do you find yourself having trouble focusing and not able to complete basic tasks?
Are you in need of some strategies and tips to manage your time better?
If you answered yes to these questions, follow these steps for a new path to better time management skills.
Tips For Effective Time Management
Check out the video below for some time management tips you can use both at work and home!
What is the first step to successful time management?
When you identify how you spend your time, you can manage your time more effectively.
Time Management Considerations
Evaluate how you're currently spending your time.
Determine what tasks you have to accomplish e.g. create a to do list.
Organize the tasks by which have to be completed first.
Estimate how much time each task will take.
Plan your work day and determine how much time you'll spend working on your tasks and objectives.
Make adjustments to the schedule when necessary.
Did you know?
You can get feedback on your resume from Rumie community members in our Discord Server. Come by, we'll help you get the job!
Take Action
Take this opportunity to make an action plan on how to manage your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks and obligations.
Follow the strategies in the Bytes below and you'll soon find you have more time to do the things you love!
This Byte has been authored by
Angela Dixon
Attorney | Administrative Judge | Professor-Online | Legal, Educational/Business Consultant | Curriculum Designer