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 A camera and three photos of famous places across the worldPhoto by Dariusz Sankowski on Unsplash

Ever since I was young, it's been my dream to travel the world!

However, I graduated from university with an unmarketable degree during an economic downturn.

Most of my peers either couldn't find work or had to work two or more jobs and they were barely surviving.

I was worried about my (lack of) prospects on the job market and I thought I'd never be able to travel the world because I didn't have a high-earning degree.

'Hopes and Dreams' are moved to the 'Recycle Bins' on Windows OS

I was wrong!

If you're not afraid to step out of your comfort zone, consider these 3unconventional, adventurous,and easy to get jobsthat you can start right after university no matter what you studied!

Gandalf says, 'I'm looking for someone to share in an adventure.'

Did you know?

Recent college graduates in the United States are more likely than graduates overall to be underemployed, i.e. working in jobs that typically don't require a college degree. In 2021, 11% of recent college graduates between ages 22 and 27 were earning less than $25,000 annually.

Job 1: Teach English in South Korea

South Korea is a wealthy country known for its safety and pop culture exports.

But did you know it's also a popular destination for teaching English as a second language (ESL), especially for young people with little to zero experience teaching it?

A Korean woman with a shocked face says, 'Oh my God.'

What do you need to be able to teach ESL in South Korea?

  • You must be a citizen of 1 of 7 designated countries (the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Ireland, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand).

  • You must be a native English speaker or have lived in a country where English is the primary language for at least 10 years.

  • You must hold a bachelor's degree in any subject from an accredited university.

And what are the benefits of teaching ESL there?

  • An airplaneEmployer-provided airfare to South Korea

    • Some employers will pay this upfront, while others will reimburse you on your first paycheck

    • Some contracts may require you to pay it back if you don't finish your one-year contract

An apartment building

  • A furnished studio apartment within walking distance of your school

A stack of coins

  • Save up to $1,000 or more of your salary every month!

A piggy bank

  • A pension that you can collect when you leave South Korea

    • Contribute 4.5% of your income every month and your employer matches it!

A ribbon that says bonus

  • A contract completion bonus equal to one month's salary after completing one year

As you can see, you can save quite a bit of money while teaching ESL in South Korea. Many teachers use it to travel for several months in Asia after their contracts end.

What an opportunity for those right out of college and without teaching experience!

A mesmerized person in a K-pop video says, 'Wow!'


You want to teach ESL in South Korea. What MUST you do to prepare?

Job 2: Work salmon season in Alaska

For this one, you don't even need a college degree!

Working as a seafood processor in Alaska isn't glamorous work, but it allows you to work hard for 3 months and live the rest of the year off your savings.

A woman rides a salmon like a horse on a purple sea.

I worked for three summers in Alaska, first as a processor and later as a quality assurance team lead and trainer. Here's how it went for me:

A clock

I worked between 800-1000 hours over the course of 10-12 weeks. I worked 16-18 hour days during the peak of the season. That's a lot of overtime pay!

Flaticon Icon

I got free room and board as a lead and only paid $5 per day for room and board as a processor. I saved nearly everything I made.

A globe

I got to work with people from all over the world, as folks from Latin America, Eastern Europe, and Asia come to work in Alaska on temporary work visas.


With my savings after 3 months of work ($12k in my first summer and $20k in my third summer), I was able to spend the next 9 months traveling in cheaper countries while teaching English online part time.

Did you know?

Many non-U.S. citizens work in Alaska on H-2B visas. If you're not a U.S. citizen and would like to work in the Alaskan salmon industry, search in your country for a job recruiter who specializes in H-2B visas.

Job 3: Volunteer internationally with the Peace Corps

The Peace Corps isan awesome opportunity to live abroad while also strengthening your resume.

What is the Peace Corps?

It's a volunteer organization set up by the US government for U.S. citizens to work abroad in the international development field for 2-3 years.

Check out the video below for a quick look at the Peace Corps' mission:

Mandatory requirements

  • Must be a U.S. citizen

  • At least 18 years of age

Typical experience requirements

  • A bachelor's degree in any discipline

  • Or at least 5 years professional work experience

How can I survive abroad as a volunteer?

Don't worry! You'll be provided with:

a hand with money

  • A monthly stipend that equals around the amount that local people earn

a hand with a heart

  • Health insurance

a piggy bank

  • A readjustment allowance at the end of service that is paid into every month

    • If you complete a 27-month contract, you can receive more than $10,000

A man waving US flags wears a safety jacket that says, 'Here to help' on the back.Photo by Elissa Garcia on Unsplash

Did you know?

Which job is the best fit?

A backpacker

Michael wants to take a seven-month backpacking trip through Latin America and he wants to do it as soon as possible. Unfortunately, he doesn't have any savings available.

A man holding a heart

Sam wants to beef up his resume with some volunteer experience so he can gain employment in an international refugee relief agency. He's not concerned with making a lot of money for the next few years.

A woman holds up a diploma

Julia just graduated from college and wants to pursue a master's degree. However, she can't afford it right now. She wants to save up at least $15,000 over the next 2 years so she can pay for her master's without taking a loan. She also wants to explore another culture.


Whose #1 choice would be to work in an Alaskan salmon cannery?

Take Action

Bilbo Baggins is running and saying, 'I'm going on an adventure!'

It's time to plan for an exciting future!


This Byte has been authored by


Adam Minahan

Learning Designer


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