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Why is balancing chemical equations important in chemistry?

Chemical equations balancing on a libra scale.

Balancing chemical equations helps you understand the relationship between reactants and products in a chemical reaction.

It also helps you satisfy the law of conservation of mass. This law states that mass is neither created nor destroyed — atoms on the reactant and product sides must have the same mass and number.

A group of Simpsons characters on a prison bus. They sing, 'I fought the law and the law won.'

Learn simple strategies that will have you balancing chemical equations, like putting the sameamount of substances on each side of the balance scale.

Did you know?

It is impossible to have an unbalanced chemical equation in real life because atoms rearrange into different compounds.

What you need to know

  • Chemical equation: a visual representation of a chemical reaction. It has 3 parts.

    1. Reactants: substances present before the chemical reaction.

    2. Products: substances present after the chemical reaction.

    3. Arrow: symbolizes chemical reaction.

    An unbalanced chemical equation for combustion: methane & oxygen (reactants); carbon dioxide and water (products)

  • Coefficient: numbersplaced before the elements or compounds referring to molecules.

  • Subscript: numbers after the elements or compounds referring to atoms.

    2 molecules of water chemical formula. 2 before H in regular script, 2 after H in subscript.

Did you know?

You can't change the subscript of elements in a chemical equation because it's their fixed identity.

Step 1: Count the number of atoms

Now you're ready to balance a chemical equation! 🙌

A chemical equation for combustion. Methane & oxygen are products, carbon dioxide & water are reactants.

Take note of the number of atoms for each element on the reactant and product sides of the chemical equation. ✍🏼


  • Subscript is visible: Count it as the total number of atoms.

  • Subscript isn't visible: Count it as 1.

Flaticon Icon for methane


Carbon atom (C) = 1

Hydrogen atom (H) = 4

Oxygen atom (O) = 2

Flaticon Icon for liquid drops


Carbon atom (C) = 1

Hydrogen atom (H) = 2

Oxygen atom (O) = 2 + 1 = 3

Flaticon Icon

This is NOT a balanced chemical equation! There are unequal numbers of atoms on both sides of the equation.


By looking at the chemical equation above, which element(s) have unequal numbers of atoms on reactant and product sides of the equation? Select all that apply:

Did you know?

Counting the number of atoms on each side of the chemical equation is an effective way of making sure it is balanced.

Step 2: Change the coefficient of the substance(s)

A chemical equation for combustion with coefficient 2 before the water molecule.

Place the coefficient 2before the water molecule on the product side then count the number of atoms on each side. ✍🏼


  • Add the coefficient before an element or a compound to balance out a chemical equation. Use the least common multiple between numbers as the coefficient.

  • Multiply each element's subscript by the coefficient.

Flaticon Icon for methane


Carbon atom (C) = 1

Hydrogen atom (H) = 4

Oxygen atom (O) = 2

Flaticon Icon for liquid drops


Carbon atom (C) = 1

Hydrogen atom (H) = 2 x 2 = 4

Oxygen atom (O) = 2 + (2 x 1) = 4

Flaticon Icon

This is NOT a balanced chemical equation yet! There are unequal numbers of oxygen atoms on each side of the chemical equation.

Did you know?

One analogy for a balanced chemical equation is measuring the ingredients of a dish that you'll serve for lunch or dinner based on the number of guests.

Step 3: Repeat until you reach a balanced equation

A balanced chemical equation for combustion: coefficient 2 before oxygen gas, and water molecule

Place another coefficient 2 before oxygen on the reactant side, then count the number of atoms on each side again. Make sure both the reactant and product sides have the same number of atoms. ✍🏼


  • Use whole numbers when balancing a chemical equation.

  • Keep changing the coefficient until all elements have the same numbers on both sides. A good rule of thumb is to balance out elements that appear multiple times last. In this equation, you'll balance out oxygenlast because it pops up in two molecules on the product side.

Flaticon Icon for methane


Carbon atom (C) = 1

Hydrogen atom (H) = 4

Oxygen atom (O) = 2 x 2 = 4

Flaticon Icon for liquid drops


Carbon atom (C) = 1

Hydrogen atom (H) = 2 x 2 = 4

Oxygen atom (O) = 2 + (2 x 1) = 4

Flaticon Icon

This is a BALANCED chemical equation! All number of atoms for carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen are equal.

Did you know?

A good strategy in balancing out chemical equations is to leave hydrogen and oxygen last because they often appear in multiple molecules.

Practice your new skill ✍🏼

A chemical equation: K + MgBr2 = KBr + Mg

Potassium reacts with magnesium bromide, which produces potassium bromide and magnesium. Where should you place coefficient 2on the reactant and product sides to balance the equation?

A. Potassium (K) and potassium bromide (KBr)

B. Magnesium bromide (MgBr) and magnesium (Mg)

C. Magnesium bromide (MgBr) and potassium bromide (KBr)

D. Potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg)


Which letter above is the best answer?

Take Action

Dance Ball GIF

Balancing a chemical equation is a trial-and-error method. Counting the atoms and changing the coefficient until you reach a balanced equation is necessary. Try these activities and polish your new skills:


This Byte has been authored by


Rowena Turcios

Educator | Learning Designer



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