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Are you going to take the TOEFL soon? Are you ready for the writing section of the test?

a close up shot of a fountain pen writing on a lined piece of paper Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

The writing section of the TOEFL evaluates your English writing skills for academic purposes, testing not only your grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure, but also your ability to present ideas cohesively and logically.

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In the writing section, you'll need to show that you're good at explaining complicated ideas and opinions in an easy-to-understand and organized way. That's super necessary if you want to crush this part of the test!Flaticon Icon

Use these strategies for answering TOEFL writing sample questions to prepare yourself for the integrated and independent writing sections of the test.

Did you know?

The TOEFL is accepted by more than 11,000 learning institutions in nearly 160 countries.

Use Lots of Writing Question Samples to Practice

Practicing is key!

There are many free resources available online that include TOEFL writing sample questions and answers.

A woman is using her hands expressively and saying 'practice is for progress not perfection.'

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Other useful online resources that provide writing sample questions and example essays include:

Did you know?

The TOEFL Internet-based test (iBT) is now the most common form of the TOEFL and can be taken in most countries throughout the world.

Part 1: The TOEFL Integrated Essay

In the integrated writing essay, you'll summarize and compare academic information from various sources.

Man gesturing 'come here.'

Here's how you do it:

  1. Read an article on an academic topic around 250-300 words long.

  2. Listen to a lecture on the same topic, which is 2 minutes long.

  3. Write an essay about the relationship between the two sources, which should be around 150-225 words long.

You'll have just 20 minutes to write your essay. You can use the article for the essay, but the lecture can only be heard once.

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Identify the relationship between the article and the lecture:

  • Argument — the reading presents an argument, while the lecture provides a counterview.

  • Problem/Solution the reading outlines a problem, while the lecture proposes potential solutions to tackle the problem.

  • Solution/Problem the reading proposes solutions to a particular problem, while the lecture critiques those solutions and presents alternative perspectives.

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Take notes, marking down the 3 main ideas from the article and the 3 main ideas from the lecture.

Your notes can be structured something like this:

Article main idea #1 with details > Lecture main idea #1 with details

Article main idea #2 with details > Lecture main idea #2 with details

Article main idea #3 with details > Lecture main idea #3 with details

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Write your essay with the following basic structure:


Sentence 1: context

Sentence 2: topic of the article

Sentence 3: agreement or disagreement between the article and lecture

Body Paragraph 1

Sentence 1: the first main idea 

Sentences 2-4: agreement or disagreement between the article and lecture 

Sentence 5: overall meaning of the agreement or disagreement between the article and lecture

There should be 3 body paragraphs.

The structure for body paragraphs 2 and 3 is the same as body paragraph 1. 

Writing a conclusion is optional.

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QUIZ: Jason's Integrated Writing Task

Jason is taking the TOEFL, and needs to identify the relationship between the article and the lecture. Read the following passage to see if you can help Jason determine the correct relationship.  

Excerpt from the Article:  

It is understood that most automobiles worldwide that are used for transportation emit greenhouse gases and negatively impact the natural environment. The first and most commonly accepted solution to this issue is for the world's population to switch to fully electric vehicles.

Excerpt from Lecture:

The primary problem with switching the entire world over to electric vehicles is that the materials needed to build electric vehicles are costly to mine, and the process used for their extraction from the Earth also comes with negative impacts on the natural environment. Another solution could be to develop vast and affordable public transportation networks so most people do not need their own automobiles.


Select the correct relationship between the excerpts above:

Part 2: The TOEFL Independent Essay

In the independent essay, you'll have to explain and defend your position concerning a particular topic.

Selena Gomez looking determined and saying, 'Let's do it.'

Here's how to do it:

  1. Share your viewpoint about a given topic.

  2. Plan, write, and revise your essay within 30 minutes.

  3. Write a minimum of 300 words for an effective independent essay.

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You'll need to identify the style of the question that you're being asked. It will be one of the following:  

  • Agree/Disagree — Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  • Multiple Choice — Which of the following values do you think is........?

  • Preference Which of the following choices do you prefer?

  • Imaginary Imagine you're in a certain situation and you must......?

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Write your essay with the following basic structure:


Sentence 1: Attention grabber 

Sentence 2: Main point

Sentence 3: Transition

Body Paragraph 1

Sentence 1: First supporting reason

Sentences 2-3: Explanation

Sentence 4: Transition

Sentence 6 to end: Personal example

There should be 2 body paragraphs. 

The structure of body paragraph 2 is the same as body paragraph 1.


Sentence 1: Restate thesis

Sentence 2: Restate the 2 main points of your opinion

Flaticon IconQUIZ: Joanne's Independent Writing Task

Joanne is taking the TOEFL and doesn’t have a lot of experience writing about her opinions. Which of the following is an example excerpt from an ideal independent writing essay?

Example A

I believe that screen time for toddlers can be harmful to their health and development. Studies have shown that excessive screen time can cause sleep problems, language delays, and attention deficits. It can also limit opportunities for social and emotional development. In my opinion, parents and caregivers should set limits on screen time and encourage other forms of play and interaction. As an older sibling, I found that excessive screen time was detrimental to my younger brother's desire to socialize.

Example B

Excessive screen time for toddlers can cause sleep problems, language delays, and attention deficits. It can also limit opportunities for social and emotional development. For healthy growth, parents and caregivers should set reasonable limits on screen time and encourage other forms of play and interaction. Although screen time can have some benefits, it's important to prioritize activities that support a child's overall well-being.


Which example is ideal?


This Byte has been authored by


Clive Walker

Founder of Walker Higher Education



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