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Are AI chatbots the answer to over-stuffed classrooms, student burnout and standardized teaching methods?

ChatGPT was unleashed into a world of students like you, now hoping to save time and improve their grades with the tool.

It hasn't always been a smooth journey...

To hear an audio version of the text in the image above, click the play button on the audio player below.

Flaticon IconStories of students submitting AI-generated essays are pretty funny, but chatbots really do have the potential improve your grades. ๐Ÿ‘‡

Enhance your problem-solving skills

Do you love STEM subjects?

ChatGPT can show you how to solve basic and complex math problems.

Image: Person in jeans sitting down on a black leather couch with stickers on their laptop.Photo by imgix on Unsplash

Math problem example:

Let's ask ChatGPT to answer how many stickers Bob would have in 3 days if he started with 0 stickers and gets one new sticker every day.

Image: ChatGPT solves the math problem using the equation a_n=0+(n-1)*1

To hear an audio version of the text in the image above, click the play button on the audio player below.

The answer may be simple for you if you've studied at least 2nd grade math. However, seeing the equation to solve the problem can introduce you to writing more complex equations that you'll learn in advanced math classes later.

Did you know?

In a Study.com survey, more than 1 in 4 teachers claim they have caught students cheating with ChatGPT.

Study participants also expressed that with some training and policies for faculty and students, ChatGPT is an incredible tool with great potential to enhance student learning.

Learn with visuals

When you learn how to solve a math problem in school, the instructor may not have the time to show you more than one way to solve the equation.

Fortunately, ChatGPT can assist you with self-directed learning.

GIF: Teacher says, 'All right, children. I want you to all copy down these math problems and solve them before recess.'

Do you have difficulty learning mathematical equations?

Let's ask the chatbot to solve the same question about Bob's stickers, but with a visual representation of the answer.

Image: ChatGPT counts how many stickers Bob will have in three days using lines (ex. |---0---1---2---3---|)To hear an audio version of the text in the image above, click the play button on the audio player below.

Here the AI chatbot has used a number line with explanations to demonstrate the answer.

Flaticon IconKeep in mind: Simply memorizing shortcut equations in ChatGPT could affect your grades, because the teacher may want to see every step to solve an equation on a test.

Be sure to clarify your instructor's expectations before using ChatGPT to study. ๐Ÿงก

Get ahead in your coursework

Are you not feeling challenged at school?

GIF: 'I'm above average.'

ChatGPT can help you take ownership of your learning, if you:

  • Learn more quickly than your peers.

  • Recently switched schools and already learned a topic.

  • Will be missing some classes due to vacation or extracurriculars.

To get ahead of the class, look at the syllabus to identify the next lesson you're curious about.

Flaticon IconExample:

Let's say velocity is the next lesson in your physics class. You can ask ChatGPT prompting questions such as:

  • When is it important to calculate velocity?

  • How do you explain velocity in simple terms?

  • In what careers will I need to understand velocity?

Image: Results of asking ChatGPT to explain velocity in simple terms.To hear an audio version of the text in the image above, click the play button on the audio player below.

Want to try? Take a look at your class schedule or textbook and ask ChatGPT to explain a term that's unfamiliar to you.

Elevate your writing

Try to see an AI chatbot as a discount tutor more than a free essay writing service.

Flaticon IconThe Good

You really can use ChatGPT as a tool to improve your writing:

  • Try different styles and tones โœ…ย 

  • Quickly source new writing ideas โœ…ย 

  • Discover new words and ways to describe your ideas โœ…ย 

  • Find patterns of error in your grammar โœ…ย 

  • Experiment with writing techniques โœ…ย 

To hear an audio version of the text in the image above, click the play button on the audio player below.

Flaticon IconThe Bad

When you copy and paste a ChatGPT essay for an assignment, you may:

  • Be identified for plagiarism โŒ

  • Risk your academic future โŒ

  • Stagnate your writing development โŒ

Flaticon IconThe Ugly

ChatGPT's output can produce many errors. Ultimately, you'll need to edit, revise, and make unique all generated text from an AI bot, including:

  • Unverified facts ๐Ÿค”

  • Formatting errors ๐Ÿค”

  • Logical fallacies ๐Ÿค”

  • Incomplete thoughts ๐Ÿค”


Jarry is struggling to understand linear equations, but they have a test next week! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ How can they achieve a better grade in a short time? Select all that apply.

Grasp complex passages

Reading is a complex skill.

Did you know only a third of 10-year-olds globally are estimated to be able to read and understand a simple written story?

Shakespeare plays, historical manuscripts, long chapters of textbooks...the volume of reading expected of a student can be overwhelming.

A stressed student wearing a hoodie holds face in their hands.Photo by Christian Erfurt on Unsplash

Your pocket-ready English teacher

ChatGPT can save the day with its ability to explain the meaning of passages from textbooks, fiction, academic papers, and more.

Use ChatGPT to identify:

  • Major themes

  • Historical context

  • Character or political motivations

  • Story timelines

Image: ChatGPT's explanation of the first chapter of 'To Kill a Mockingbird'To hear an audio version of the text in the image above, click the play button on the audio player below.

Take Action

Now you can get better grades with ChatGPT and gain confidence in your comprehension. No cheating necessary! ๐Ÿ˜‰

GIF: Person with mustache raises their eyebrows in dynamic ways.To get started, experiment with these activities:


This Byte has been authored by


Laura Clark

Content Writer


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