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Meet Sam. Sam is adventurous, creative, and keen to share his passion for travel with the world. After learning about the field of travel vlogging, he's certain it's the right path for him. But how will he turn that desire into a reality?

A young man sits in an airport waiting area with his legs up on his carryon, gazing out at an airplane taking off.Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

These 7 steps will help Sam — and you — find success in the competitive world of travel vlogging.

Step 1: Know Your Niche

Decide how you'll specialize to make your travel vlog unique from all the rest.

A man is nodding and saying, 'This gone be a lil different.'

Consider your interests and how you like to travel.

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For example, Sam is an adrenaline junkie, so he already knows that his vlog will feature extreme travel activities.

What will be your focus? Be creative but authentic — pick what you're passionate about!

Did you know?

Every year, the Pinterest Predicts report anticipates future trends based on their app data. The Pinterest emerging travel trend for 2023? Train trips!

Step 2: Gear Down & Go!

You don’t need fancy equipment to get started as a travel vlogger.

  • Begin by making videos on your phone or a GoPro 📱

  • Practice training your eye to get the right shot 👁️

  • Upgrade later as you learn and earn 💰

Up close image of an iPhone held by a woman taking a video of a bakeryPhoto by Jenna Day on Unsplash

Likewise, glamorous, budget-busting trips are not a requirement to gain a following!

Flaticon IconSam plans to start small with free, local adventures to show people why they should visit his hometown and favorite day-trip spots. You could do the same and build up your geographic footprint from there.

Step 3: Find Your Voice

Studies have shown that what draws people to a particular travel vlog is entertainment value and emotional engagement. This means that storytelling is key!

Actor Jake Johnson from The New Girl comedy says, 'Because it's a great story and I'm a teller of stories.'

As you’re planning your trips and camera angles, also remember to take the time to plan your narrative. Think about how you'll hook your audience and keep them coming back for more.

Two young women sit together, captivated, eating popcorn.

Step 4: Pick Your Platform

What's the main way that your audience will connect with your content?

A dog with headphones around its neck sits at a table watching videos on a laptop

YouTube is the world’s biggest video platform and second-largest search engine, but Vimeo and Twitch are also popular choices for many travel vloggers. Research your options and pick the platform that works best for you.

If you go with Youtube, learn how to monetize your travel videos if you want to turn your vlog into an income stream.

Did you know?

YouTube is localized in more than 100 countries and is available in 80 languages — no wonder they have over 2.5 billion users worldwide! And get this: every day, people watch one billion hours of video on YouTube!

Step 5: Learn Video Editing

A woman sits at multiple computer screens doing video editing

You don’t need a film degree, but basic video editing skills are a must to get started.

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After reading the article The Best Video Editing Software for 2023, Sam has picked an editing software and is excited to get started. The only problem: he's new to this and needs to build his skills. So what should he do?

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If you’re like Sam and new to video editing, or just want to advance your existing skills, check out free courses on sites like Coursera or Udemy to learn. Skillshare also has a set of "how to" videos dedicated specifically to travel vlogging!


Sam wants to become a travel vlogger with impressive video editing skills. Which of these online courses is his best choice?

Step 6: Make Connections

Grow Your Audience

Commit to uploading on a regular schedule — consistency is key for followers! Most successful content creators recommend at least a weekly upload. Share your posts everywhere and remember to encourage viewers to subscribe.

An animated image of ducks robotically following a beaver with the text 'Follow Me'.

Build a Network

Connect with other travel vloggers and content creators for inspiration and support — don’t be afraid to ask for help! Most people enjoy sharing their hard-earned expertise with others.

Four traveling backpackers laughing together in the mountains.Photo by Felix Rostig on Unsplash

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Sam finally decided to take the leap from subscriber to peer with some of his favorite travel vloggers by reaching out via email and social media. His genuine message about being inspired and seeking advice as a beginner has led to valuable connections.

Step 7: Stay Determined

Remember that success will not realistically happen overnight — it will take time and hard work.

  • Set small, achievable goals 🎯

  • Aim for consistent, marginal gains 🪜

  • Don’t give up! 💪🏼

Actress Catherine O'Hara from comedy Schitt's Creek saying, 'You can succeed at anything to which you put your mind.'

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After reading the Byte How do I create a vision board to help me achieve my goals? Sam has decided that this is just what he needs to get clear about his direction and stay motivated. What approach will you take to stay determined?

Did you know?

It takes the average content creator 15.5 months of consistent uploading to reach 1,000 subscribers on YouTube.

Take Action

A silhouette of a person with a carryon bag walking forward into a beautiful landscape.

Ready to make your travel vlog dream a reality?

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This Byte has been authored by


Shelley van Niekerk

Learning Designer

BS-Psy, M.Ed-IT


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