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Everyone has bias, even instructional designers.

Two mothers with one child each are interacting. One mother is telling their child to not play with a boy with dark-skin.Image by storyset on Freepik

Bias can unintentionally exclude people from a successful learning experience — especially learners who belong to groups of people who have been left out historically.

It's your responsibility as instructional designer to reflect on your biases. That's where Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) come in. Apply them to your instructional design process to reach as many learners as possible!

Did you know?

Depending on the organization, DEI initiatives are expanding to include updated values. For example, there are organizations that include accessibility ("A") and/or belonging ("B)" to create new acronyms like DEIAB or JEDI+B.

What are JEDI principles?

JEDI is an acronym for:

Four diverse being of different ages, religions and appearances are protesting while holding signs with frustrated faces.

Image by storyset on Freepik

  1. J for Justice — Breaking down barriers to opportunities and resources so that all members of a community thrive as a collective.

Four feminine-presenting kids are picking apples from tree. Two are showing equality and two are showing equity..Image by storyset on Freepik

  1. E for Equity — Dispersing resources accordingly for access and acknowledging identity advantages and disadvantages.

Four diverse young adult friends are at a coffee shop table taking a selfie together on a camera phone.Image by storyset on Freepik

  1. D for Diversity — Addressing differences in intersectional identities and how these identities are given certain barriers in our societal systems.

A feminine-presenting young adult is using a wheelchair up an accessible ramp to a building's doors. A checkmark is present.Image by storyset on Freepik

  1. I for Inclusion — Valuing all perspectives, creating a sense of belonging, and amplifying voices, especially those that encounter more barriers than others.

Did you know?

The universal design for learning (UDL) framework is a model that aims to accommodate the needs and abilities of all learners to take away unnecessary barriers to learning. This model can be applied to instructional design trainings, materials, deliverables and more.

Why are JEDI practices important?

A group of diverse young adults are celebrating at a LGBTQIA+ pride festival with flags, balloons, signs, and confetti.Image by storyset on Freepik

Designing with JEDI practices cultivates a sense of belonging and increases the access that learners will have with your content, while honoring diverse perspectives and the reality of historical inequity in marginalized identity groups.

Flaticon Icon of an x symbol inside of a circle.


  • Showcase diverse people only once as an accessoryin your image choices

  • Avoid self-reflection and stay comfortable with your words and writing

  • Use creators from one region only, like authors, artists, and knowledge

  • Celebrate only specific holidays for black, indigenous, and people of color

  • Isolate yourself from networking with leaders who want to lift you up

  • Ignore offensive messages in your team or any work you review

Flaticon Icon of a checkmark inside of a circle.


  • Showcase diverse people in everyday life in your images with many identities

  • Address your own biases by carefully choosing your words and language

  • Attribute global creators from many countries to include varying perspectives

  • Act every day on equitable design practices in your own work

  • Collaborate with others to grow and become better a instructional designer

  • Address and suggest changes to content that has offensive messages

Did you know?

It's important to use design practices that include people worldwide in data poverty. Designing for people with less access to web digital services, like people with limited reception who live in rural areas or those with varying financial privileges creates more accessible and equitable experiences.  Rumie is dedicated to removing barriers to learning with inclusive design for a global audience. Our site is designed for low-bandwidth delivery.

Ways to apply JEDI principles to your designs

Flaticon Icon of a mountain with a sun in the background. This is a known icon for images.

Example #1 — Intentional image selection

Whenever possible, try using images that show people with:

  • Varying ages, body types, abilities, skin tones, hair styles, and clothing

  • Diverse representation of gender, sexual orientation and relationships

  • Different nuclear family models, such as single parents, adoptions, and legal guardians

  • Multicultural traditions, holidays, and religious beliefs

Flaticon Icon of a document with text and a speaker with volume icon popping out of the document.

Example #2 — Meaningful alternative text descriptions for images

Try having meaningful descriptions in alt text descriptions like:

  • "Young smiling feminine-presenting adult with dark melanin skin and braids acing a calculus exam in a classroom."

  • "Old frowning masculine-presenting person with medium skin tone color is pacing the building thinking about which flowers to buy for his boyfriend."

  • "Small feminine-presenting child with light skin tone color is wearing a hijab and long dress. She is reading an anatomy textbook for a biology lab class."

Flaticon Icon of a person with a think bubble and speech waves coming from mouth.

Example #3 — Wording that is mindful of personal biases

Try not to make assumptions about your learners':

  • Race, culture, traditions, religion, or lifestyle

  • Gender, sexual orientation, or romantic partners

  • Socio-economic or family situation

  • Learning preferences, mental health conditions, abilities, or disabilities

  • Intelligence level, reading comprehension, and motivation

Flaticon Icon of a person in a circle. This is a known accessibility icon.

Example #4 — Design with accessibility at the forefront

Try designing with accessibility in the plans from the beginning with:

  • Live and asynchronous closed-captioning for videos

  • Accurate transcripts for all video and audio content

  • Image descriptions below images wherever possible

  • High contrast between the text and background colors

Did you know?

Consider applying Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and other appropriate standards. WCAG are well-known for listing recommendations on how to make digital content on the web at different levels.

Take Action

A masculine-presenting young adult is designing an e-Learning course with videos, images, text, and wireframes in background.Image by storyset on Freepik

Start applying JEDI practices to your instructional designs!

Did you know?

This Byte is for educational purposes only. While we know that JEDI practices are crucial to everyday, including design, the information presented in this Byte may not include all the ways to practice and show JEDI in instructional design.


This Byte has been authored by


Melissa Carrillo-Galaviz

Instructional Designer & Accessibility Specialist

Master of Science (MSc)


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