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Have you ever been baffled by someone else's response to a situation?
Before you write them off as rude or overly sensitive, ask yourself "Is it a cultural difference?"
Different cultures have different ideas of what is rude or polite, and everyone is influenced to some extent by culture. A culture can be as large as a world hemisphere, or as small as a team at work.
Let's look at 3 major cultural differences and how you can recognize them:
High vs. Low Context
Collectivism vs. Individualism
Polychronic vs. Monochronic
High Context Vs. Low Context
What you MEAN vs. What you SAY
In a high context culture, you say things less directly. You expect others to understand what you mean and notice circumstances, tones, and body language to get the whole message. You might find it rude to be too blunt.
In a low context culture, you say things more directly. You expect others to say what they mean and take what you say at face value. You might find it rude to assume something that wasn't explicitly said, or to be too vague or unclear.
High context
Less direct
More is implied
Nonverbal very important
Example: Inside jokes
Low context
More direct
More is said
Nonverbal less important
Example: Work contracts
Which expression shows a high context way of thinking?
"Read the room" means to notice the emotions of others and act accordingly, without being explicitly told. This is a high context approach.
Collectivism Vs. Individualism
WE vs. ME
In a collectivist culture, the success of the group is more important than your personal goals. Your achievements are attributed to group efforts. You have complex social relationships, and are more likely to live with and take care of your parents as an adult.
In an individualist culture, you are responsible for your own achievements and happiness. You might work on a team, but everyone's contribution is recognized separately. You probably have a small social group, and live independently from your parents as an adult.
"WE" mentality
Group success
Complex social networks
Take care of each other
"ME" mentality
Individual success
Fragmented social groups
Everyone is self-reliant
What individualistic practice might you find in a workplace?
"Employee of the Month" awards recognize individual achievement independent of the group. Workplaces can often be a mix of collective and individualistic traits.
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Polychronic Vs. Monochronic
Finish the JOB vs. Follow the CLOCK
In a polychronic culture, you value people and relationships over schedules. You work on many things at once, and don't separate work time from personal time. If dinner is at 6, you might start getting ready at 6. If you finish your tasks at work, you help others finish theirs.
In a monochronic culture, you respect people's schedules. You work on one task at a time, and separate work time from personal time. Holding people up by arriving late or making a meeting run long is rude. If you finish your tasks at work, you clock out.
"Better late than never"
Tasks flow together
Relationships important
Form relationships slowly
More high-context
More collectivist
"Time is money"
Tasks segmented
Schedules important
Form relationships quickly
More low-context
More individualist
Watch this clip from Seinfeld then take the quiz:
What is the conflict in this clip?
In a polychronic environment, it is okay to take the time to talk to a family friend, even if it means being late to an appointment. Jerry (monochronic) cuts the conversation short to get to his meeting, which offends Uncle Leo (polychronic)
Take Action
Do you recognize any of these traits in your culture? Or maybe just your personality?
Remember that cultural traits are not fixed and can change based on the situation and personal preference.
The next time you see a conflict (in your life or in media), see if you can spot any of these cultural differences at play, and use it to think of a solution.
This Byte has been authored by
Tyler Whitaker
Forged by language, culture, and gaming.