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Imagineworking around the clock to meet your monthly targets.

But Sally from HR and Lucy from Operations convinced their departments to cut production in half because you decided to take away their two mental health days.

What is the worst that can happen? A decline in workplace productivity!

Business men working in an office.Image created by Marko Scantlebury in Adobe Firefly

What is productivity at work?

Productivity focuses on priorities and ensuring efficiency within a company. It's the ability to work effectively on the appropriate tasks without wasting time.

Why is workplace productivity important?

Productivity is the foundation of a successful business.

Teams that miss deadlines or work extra hours risk burning out. Staff engagement and satisfaction impact efficiency, which positively boosts morale among workers.

Whether you're a front-line employee or a manager, applying business solutions to your workplace will increase your team's productivity.

Did you know?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics defines productivity as comparing a company's total production to the resources used to produce goods and services.

Factors Affecting Workplace Productivity

"Individual habits and traits or workplace issues" can cause low productivity. To fix the problem, you should identify its causes.

A businesswoman stands in front of a wall of notes that show her many deadlines and responsibilities. She holds a clock.Image created by Marko Scantlebury in Adobe Firefly

Several possible reasons for low productivity are:

  • Inadequate time-management skills ⏰

  • Work or home-related stress 😫

  • Unrealistic workload or high expectations 📈

  • Unsafe work environment ☣️

  • Lack of recognition for efforts 👎

  • Insufficient guidance or instructions 📝

  • Poor scheduling or frequent interruptions 🚦

  • Inability to complete tasks quickly 🐌

  • Lack of accountability 🚫

  • Poor management 💼

Once you have identified the factors, the next step is finding solutions.

Did you know?

Life events, stress, exhaustion, and burnout can impact employee productivity. For instance, workers who are overworked may find it difficult to concentrate on their tasks and accomplish their objectives.

Business Solutions to Enhance Productivity

This video provides some good tips to improve workplace production. Are any familiar?

Did you see any others that you think should be added?

This video provided ten ways to improve workplace productivity but there are some overlaps.

Let's group them into categories:

  • Technology integration 💻

  • Employee training 📚

  • Workplace environment 🏢

Now you can apply them to your place of business.

Did you know?

Productivity, performance, and profitability can ultimately be increased by knowing what inspires your staff and creating a strong corporate culture.

Technology Integration

Watch the video below to see the benefits of using technology to automate tasks and boost productivity:

Using automation through technology

The correct tech stack can significantly increase your team's productivity, which includes anything from specialized software to scheduling and communication tools.

Put laborious tasks on autopilot with these strategies:

  • Use scheduling software to organize and time block duties and save time.

  • Use project management tools to make sure that cooperation is streamlined.

  • Provide regular updates in real-time, and use online documents for collaboration.

  • Employ software that has been designed to meet the needs of your organization.

  • Select technology that lowers error rates, streamlines workflows, and frees up staff time for priority work.

Use tools that empower your team to work smarter, not just "tech for tech's sake". It will increase efficiency and production by allowing your team to concentrate on more strategic work.

Did you know?

Increased productivity will improve morale, inspire employees, and improve the atmosphere or culture of the office.

Employee Training

Employees being trained by their in house corporate trainer.Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Workers are more inclined to be engaged and inspired and produce the highest quality work when they believe they have the opportunity to grow and advance.

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Invest in professional development

If you're a manager, boost productivity and retain employees by investing in their professional development:

  • Discuss professional growth and career advancement with employees regularly.

  • Ask them what interests them and what skills they'd like to work on.

  • Assess how well they will fit into the company in the future and how you can support them in achieving their career objectives.

  • Create individual plans for employees to acquire skills for career advancement through formal training, on-the-job learning, and mentoring.

  • Encourage internal promotion to foster a sense of loyalty among your staff.

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Train them to be productive

Provide the resources and instructions your staff needs to work more efficiently.

This training could include:

  • Tools that simplify their work and help them manage their time effectively.

  • Delegating their tasks so they can better manage their time.

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Support professional growth

Show a dedication to their development and maintain their sense of worth. This can take many forms, such as:

  • Providing access to training programs, conferences, and mentorship opportunities. 

  • Tuition reimbursement plans, which can also be a game-changer.

  • Allowing employees to pursue certifications or degrees relevant to their field.

Supporting employees as they upskill creates a sense of loyalty and boosts their overall productivity. Employees could become disengaged and look for possibilities elsewhere if they believe their careers will stagnate.

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Did you know?

Gallup's annual workplace trends indicate stronger connections with colleagues and supervisors result in higher engagement. According to Gallup Organizational Research, the quality of the manager or team leader contributes to 70% of team engagement variation.

Workplace Environment

Two female coworkers working peacefully in coworking lounge.Image by Abhijeet Pratap from Pixabay

What physical changes can increase productivity?

The wrong office space or work environment can impact the productivity of workers. Here are some solutions:

  • Each employee can discover a workspace that suits them by having a variety of office possibilities.

  • Establish communal work areas for employees who derive their energy from collaborating with peers.

  • Allow staff members to close the door and block out external disturbances.

  • If the décor in your office is drab and boring, give it some life.

  • Make sure comfort is a priority by providing ergonomic workstations and cozy chairs.

  • Find out from the staff whether they have all the tools and supplies necessary to complete their work effectively.

  • Provide the items people are lacking, provided that their requests are justifiable.

Team building sessions for employees. Image by TOLIOAI from Pixabay

Invest in company culture

Investing in company culture is "powerful driver of productivity." When workers feel appreciated, engaged in the company's mission, and truly respected, their engagement and productivity soar.

Motivated workers are more engaged and driven to achieve success. To create a productive culture:

  • Engage workers in brainstorming and problem-solving, which creates a collaborative and supportive work environment.

  • Prioritize employees' well-being, which leads to less stress and fewer missed workdays.

  • Train managers to delegate effectively to reduce micromanaging.

Change your work environment from the inside out and watch productivity increase!

Did you know?

Establishing a happy workplace is essential for team efficiency. It's important to consider office politics, micromanagement, plant life, lighting, and furniture arrangement to create a motivating work atmosphere critical to your team's success.

Apply the Business Solutions for Productivity

After you identify and implement these business solutions, you must ensure that the productivity is always at the max.

Willem Dafoe desperately begging for information. He yells, 'Tell me how!'

Develop a culture of professional development

Workplaces should attempt to create a company culture that values continuous learning and progress.

  • Deliver (or attend) regular training sessions.

  • Request constructive feedback and look for innovative ways to maximize your team's efficiency.

  • Conduct (or attend) regular performance reviews to track individual progress and provide (or receive) mentoring as needed.

Image showing a kpi indicators performance chat.Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Analyse results and monitor progress

Create a process to evaluate each business solution mentioned in the Byte so you can quickly identify gaps:

  • Assess staff input and key performance indicators (KPIs) 📊

  • Establish important objectives 🔑

  • Make the right technological investments 💻

  • Promote cooperation 🤝

  • Track developments 🔍

Did you know?

Workplace productivity can be measured using KPIs like production per hour worked, revenue per employee, and meeting deadlines.

Test Your Knowledge

Read the scenario below and use what you learned to answer the question.

An overwhelm business woman with a heavy workload on her desk.Image by Vilius Kukanauskas from Pixabay

Mary has five projects to complete by the end of the week. She has a two-year-old daughter and is in the last semester of her Master's programme.

Mary asked to work remotely as her daughter is sick, and her supervisor refused to grant her any vacation days as she had used all her sick days.

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Look at the following productivity strategies:

A. Create a detailed schedule outlining specific time blocks for work, childcare, and personal tasks to manage her time efficiently.

B. Prioritise her projects and break them down into smaller, manageable tasks to prevent feeling overwhelmed.

C. Compile a list of tasks and then complete them all to meet the deadlines successfully.

D. Delegate tasks or seek help from colleagues at work and collaborate with classmates in her Master's program. 


Which strategies will help her be more productive? Select all that apply:

Take Action

Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez says, 'I want to make sure that we are laser focused, that we are effective, that we are efficient.'

By applying business solutions such as technology integration, professional development, and a good workplace environment; You will improve productivity in your place of business in no time.


This Byte has been authored by


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