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Are you looking for a career where:

  • Each day is different?

  • You're always learning about the latest technologies?

  • There's a high level of job security?

  • The day-to-day work is hands-on?

Becoming an HVAC technician might be right for you!

What exactly is an HVAC technician?

Man wearing suspenders and tie in an office saying, 'If you could give me an explanation, that'd be great.'

HVAC stands for:

  • Heating

  • Ventilation

  • Air Conditioning

An HVAC technician installs, services, and repairs heating, air conditioning, and ventilation units.

HVAC systems help regulate indoor temperatures and filter the air within a building to keep it clean.

Where would I find an HVAC technician?

HVAC technicians work in lots of different settings. You can find them in:

  • Homes (residential HVAC)

  • Businesses (commercial HVAC)

  • Factories and plants (industrial HVAC)

Did you know?

Air conditioning can save lives! When the weather is too hot or humid, it can be dangerous for people with certain health conditions, elderly people, and people exerting themselves (Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, "In a hotter world, air conditioning isn’t a luxury, it’s a lifesaver", 2022).

What day-to-day duties might an HVAC tech have?

Yoda saying, 'The same, no two days are.'

Job duties will depend on where you work, but HVAC technicians typically:

  • Install, test, and maintain HVAC systems

  • Troubleshoot systems when they aren't working as expected

  • Repair or replace system parts

  • Communicate with customers

  • Make adjustments to HVAC systems

  • Sell HVAC systems or service contracts

Let's Talk Money

How much can I earn?

Flaticon IconIn the United States, the average base salary for HVAC technicians is $57,749 (USD).

Flaticon IconIn Canada, the average base salary for HVAC technicians is $54,740 (CAD).

These amounts don't include benefits and possible overtime pay.

Did you know?

Your salary may vary depending on the state or province in which you work and your area of specialization.

You'll love being an HVAC technician if you...

Oprah Winfrey saying, 'You're gonna love it!'

  • Want the ability to work anywhere. Everywhere needs HVAC technicians!

  • Are interested in opportunities to specialize. From commercial to residential, there are many different areas you can work.

  • Like the idea of helping your community feel comfortable in all seasons and breathe clean air.

HVAC might not be right for you if you don't like...

  • Physically demanding work and working outside in extreme temperatures (both hot and cold weather).

  • Confined or dark spaces.

  • Being on-call at times or working long hours to finish a project.

Kermit drinking tea saying, 'For those reasons, I'm out.'

How do I become an HVAC technician?

"I think I might be interested. What do I need to do?" you might be asking!

Simpsons character saying interesting

You'll need to:

  • Graduate high school or earn your GED

  • Attend trade school or community college, or train on-the-job as an apprentice

  • Complete a paid 2-5 year apprenticeship (depending on location)

  • Obtain a license as an HVAC technician (depending on location)

Expert check!

Who might consider a career as an HVAC technician?

A. Sam πŸ‘¨ enjoys problem solving and fixing things. His grandpa taught him to repair items around the house. Sam is afraid of tight spaces.

B. Arif πŸ§‘πŸΎ loves working outside no matter the weather. He's interested in a career with good job security that will let him move anywhere.

C. Elise πŸ‘©πŸ» worked in her dad's auto body shop as a teenager, so she's familiar with all tools. Elise is looking for a career where she can train on the job.

D. Juan πŸ‘¨πŸ½ is looking for a career where he can help people in his community. He definitely wants a 9:00-5:00 job with no overtime hours.


Who might consider an HVAC career? Select all that apply.

Take Action

Man giving two thumbs up saying, 'I'm in!'

Does a career in HVAC sound right for you?

If so...


This Byte has been authored by


Teresa Dubovsky

Instructional Designer | Trainer
