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Until age 8 children are in a developmentally rich period of their lives. One way to make a big difference is to be an early childhood educator (ECE)!

It's not just about teaching ABC's and 123's. ECEs use researched-backed techniques to help kids relate with one another and the world around them.

Is being an ECE the right career path for you?

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Did you know?

Did you know that 90% of a child's brain development happens before age 5? (CDC, 2021)

What Do Early Childhood Educators Do?

It's so much more than babysitting! ECEs teach through play time with understanding of brain development.

Captain Holt from Brooklyn 99 saying 'children are wonders'

Illustration: Open Book with Light Bulb above it

Educators need to stay up to date on current research on child development and be willing to try new techniques. Exposing children's developing brains to a variety of stimulation is key.

Early childhood educators integrate the following content areas into play:

  • Math

  • Science

  • Language and literacy

  • Visual and performing arts

  • Fine and large motor skills

  • Social sciences

Illustration: Person juggling 5 balls


What is the best way for ECEs to stay up-to-date on the latest educational research and methods?

What Does It Take?

  • An energetic personality and plenty of stamina

  • Creativity to seek out new ways to teach

  • Leadership skills

  • An intrinsic drive to make a difference

  • Patience

  • Strong communication skills

  • Adaptability in the moment

"Children must be taught how to think, not what to think." ~Margaret Mead

Which of these people would do well getting into early childhood education?

Illustration: Person with short haircut, yellow t-shirt, and blue coatPaul spent his summers in high school working as a lifeguard. He enjoyed teaching youth swim lessons and just started a class in child development.

Illustration: Person with short haircut, yellow t-shirt and blue jacketJamie is social and looks for the 'big idea' in every experience. They enjoy learning new skills and working in an office setting.

Illustration: Person with bun hairstyle and white-collared black shirt.Isla is into tech and economics. She has always helped with her youngers siblings and cousins. She is an introvert.

Illustration: Person with short hair and beard wearing a brown collared shirtTim has always worked with his hands. He considers himself an artist and entrepreneur.


Who might be the best fit for a career as an ECE?

Will A Career As An ECE Pay The Bills?

Flaticon IconEarly childhood educators make an average of $30,000 (USD) annually in the United States.

Flaticon IconEarly childhood educators make an average of $35,000 (CAD) annually in Canada.

As with most careers, pay rate will vary based on experience and certification.

Where Can You Be Hired?

There are three main types of early childhood education degree programs, depending on the job you'll be looking for.

  • Associate's Degree or Certification Program (1-2 years)

  • Bachelor's Degree (4 years)

  • Master's or Doctoral Degree (Bachelor's Degree + 2-6 years)

Example careers with various levels of education: eg. aid at ECE care center, lead preschool teacher, school counselor

catherine reitman wow GIF

Did you know?

Preschool is so much more than playing. While the basic educational benefits of preschool (such as literacy and numeracy) are tangible, the advances children achieve towards becoming well-rounded individuals are truly invaluable. (Arizona Early Childhood Career and Professional Development Network, 2015)

Take Action

The decision to be a teacher, particularly during the formative early childhood years, is a BIG ONE to make. Teaching will not be the right fit for everyone, but is a career that needs passionate individuals.

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This Byte has been authored by


Heather Savage-Scott

Educator, junior Instructional Designer
